What is Correct is Right and True (1+1=2, Do No Harm), What is Incorrect is Wrong and False (1+1=3, Murder)

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Disregarding behavior and morality, right is used as a synonym for expressing something that is correct and true. Proposing that 1 + 1 = 2, is correct, right and true.

Wrong is used as a synonym for expressing something that is incorrect and false. Proposing that 1 + 1 = 3, is incorrect, wrong and false.


That is a basic demonstration of the use of language to describe objective reality. I can take one of something, and one of something else, and I will get two somethings when looked at as a combination. They are still one thing and another thing, but I get two things together.

Those objects, like an apple and an orange, exist. We can demonstrate how adding things produces objective results. Adding one thing and one other things doesn't give us three things. Claiming that there are three objects when only two are present is false, wrong and incorrect.

True and right are synonyms to represent something correct, and vice versa. False and wrong are synonyms to represent something incorrect, and vice versa.

Back to behavior.

If I want to go somewhere, I need to go in a certain direction. To go in the wrong direction, is to go away from the destination I claim to want to go towards. This is the incorrect direction to head in, the false direction. Behavior can be characterized as false, wrong and incorrect.

If I go in the right, correct and true direction, that means I am actually on course, on the right path, headed the right way to arrive at my destination. Behavior can be characterized as true, right and correct.

There is a goal, purpose or objective. Deviations from the path and way of obtaining that goal are wrong, incorrect and false relative to that goal. Some deviations are more wrong, more false, more incorrect, than others. Making one wrong turn is less wrong than making 10 wrong turns and wasting 10 minutes, arriving late, etc.

Right-actions that don't cause harm, are morally correct and morally true.

Wrong-actions that don't cause harm, are morally incorrect and morally untrue (i.e. morally false, immoral).

The goal is to not harm others, to create a relationship where cooperation is possible and optimal for our survival. Harming others is a detriment for our optimized survival capabilities through reciprocal cooperation.

If that goal for optimizing survival and self-preservation does not interest you, then morality is not a concern in your life. So be it. Disregard the consequences of your behavior at your own expense.

If you engage in wrong, incorrect or false actions or behaviors, you will get a certain result that is negative or detrimental to the goals desired.

If you want to get somewhere, going the wrong, false or incorrect way will get you a negative or detrimental result of arriving at your destination on time, not wasting gas, etc.

If you want to live optimally with others and cooperate beneficially, then engage in right, correct and true actions that don't harm others.

If you don't want t be harmed by others by consequence of your actions to them, then don't harm them first.

Consequences are created, manifested and generated as a result of your own behavior. You judge, insult and offend yourself through your own behavior.

Understanding morality is how to optimize your life so that you don't make the mistake of creating negative consequences for yourself when living with others in existence. If you lived all alone with no other beings with agency to reciprocate actions to you, then you could do anything and not have to think about being moral and what you can or can't do to others. There would be no optimization for survival, no reciprocal cooperation possible, and no repercussions to your actions that could harm you in turn for harming another being.

That doesn't mean there wouldn't be causality. You could still create harm and suffering for yourself by your own actions, to judge, offend and insult yourself all by your own actions through cause and effect in reality. No other being with consciousness is required for you to walk off a cliff and break a leg or die, or to throw a rock against a wall and it bounce-back to hit you in the eye. Gravity and others effects of causality will bring you the reaping for what you sowed.

The actions we create (what we sow) are effects we caused to exist. Those effects will affect reality or others in reality (causality), and as a result reality can respond (give us a reaping) with natural physical laws or others can respond with moral behavioral laws as repercussions or consequences to our actions. We reap what we sow, be it right or wrong, beneficial or detrimental, etc.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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You are preaching to the choir. Regretfully the bar has been lowered. Our government practices wrong. Churches practice wrong, celebs and media practice wrong. So the average joe will also lower their bar too. Look at our music today. Much of it is wrong. We did not get here be accident though. It was a slow progression over 100 years of lowering the bar. There is a video out there called the Six Genereational Spirit. that explains it for m moral and spiritual perspective. I will try to post it here. But a fish rots at the head so too countries and governments. Sad but when you have the deep state Satanized and everyone else taking orders from them, well no wonder we are here. Yes right is right and wrong is wrong. but Wasn't it the Rolling Stones that said every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints. So the seeds of being upside downness started decades ago. We need to set the right example as the moral and ethical example to others regardless what others do.

On a side note with humor, I think there is only one instance where 1 +1 = 3 - You put a man and a woman together you are bound to end up with 3, 4 or more LOL

Yup, incrementalism, gradualism. Slow changes over time are more easily accepted, covertly passing our contrast-detection. LOL, yes biology works different than numerical addition ;)

You judge, insult and offend yourself through your own behavior.

The whole thing was powerful, but this line was particularly sobering in a very good way. Thanks.

Thank you. It's a saying I came up with a few years ago, and I like to use it now and then to illustrate how we reap what we show, and people telling us what we are doing isn't a "judgmental" thing where they are the ones that offend or insult us, as we are doing that to ourselves for the most part.

It is never too soon to do a kindness for another.

Unity in Truth.

"Those who were trying to make the world worse aren't taking a day off, how can I?"

Truth is what units us for sure. Lies keep us divided. Seeking truth is paramount to form real unity, peace and freedom.

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a fatal mistake will harm yourself and others.

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