Why We Need To Stop Pushing and Start Falling For A Better Life

There's a concept that I have explored for a long time.

In fact, the original self-help style book that I was trying to write was called "Falling Into Success" based on this concept.

And it is something that Alan Watts would often refer to.

The notion of falling instead of pushing for something.

In this quick explanation of a post, I am going to use love as the example, since well profound, it is something that most of us experience at one time or another.

What Does It Mean To Push

Have you ever pushed for love or a relationship?

Often we see this in our current state of affairs around the world.

People being pushed together, or someone pushing to get someone else to fall in love with them.

Maybe its a date, maybe its marriage, kids, etc...

All in all, there is a problem in this pushing, as pushing inherently implies that you are forcing something that wouldn't work on its own.

That's what pushing is.

It's like trying to push water uphill with your bare hands.


Well, I mean you may get a little bit of it, but water is malleable and similar to humans (bruce lee said to be like water) in nature.

Trying to push it uphill won't benefit you, and probably will just become irritating.

Now, How Does Falling Come In?

On the other hand, there is falling.

It doesn't sound elegant, but it is meant to be just that.

Instead of pushing something, and something that needs to be pushed has resistance, you are quite literally falling into it.

In falling into success, my idea was that you could fall into success by setting up certain habits and lifestyle parameters that just outright drove you to success.

Which is something I still believe.

And it is commonly seen in love.

Love is complicated.

Heck, it's probably one of the most radical and undesirable, yet always described, human experiences.

To feel at one with someone (see I am trying to describe it here) is a common theme in love.

But, that means you aren't pushing.

Pushing to feel the love with someone won't work, because while you can try, you mentally won't allow yourself to get to a state of peace and bliss with that person as your mind works to push.

Now falling in love is quite different.

It's like releasing the grips on something that you thought was you, and then merging in a way you never thought possible.

It can be rapid or slow.

But falling results in what we need for a great life.

My Attempt At Describing The Feeling of Falling

Some people just seem always to be lucky.

I'll admit that my life is something that I truly am grateful for, but something that I have tried to set-up to be able to fall.

See much of what I think happens is that you need to be open and willing to fall.

Whether that's a sum of money, love, or a new life.

People often daydream of realities where they are a famous movie star, then load up their computer and start crunching numbers for their boss.

All the while they could have been building out the profile, doing a little acting and possible just fall into a roll.

Yes, that takes some effort, but it isn't pushing if you set yourself up to be able too.

Then comes the magic.

Falling, let's talk about love, is something that feels so right.

It's like everything clicked and you just end up being in the right place at the right time with the right person, over and over and over again.

Nature naturally shifts itself to push you together and test you.

And then comes the challenges of a relationship, but its different because unlike a pushing one, this requires a melding of consciousnesses.

One that lets each partner fall into each other in times of need, be honest, open and vulnerable.

Without fear of the other being malicious.

And the wonderment starts.

It also can seem like a bit of law of attraction, the barebones, allowing you to achieve what you have always wanted.

And, well, I'm tired, so I am going to wrap this up real quick.

Stop pushing for the things that you think you want.

Start evaluating who you are and what it is that truly calls you, then set your life up for it.

That's when the falling starts.

And once it does, you'll never want to start pushing again.

Thanks for reading my mind,


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Oooh I like this philosophy. Definitely something I need as I have tended to be a pusher :D Thanks!

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