About negative thoughts

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Our beliefs are the cause of our negative thoughts.

Since childhood we were persuaded that we are not good enough, that life is a battle, that today true love does not exist, that one bad thing always come in pair, that a certain disease is incurable, that if it is too good, then it is not true, that you have to do the hard yards to have money etc. Growing up we heard similar beliefs numerous times, and at last we started to believe in some. Don't bear a grudge against those who raised you. They simply didn't know better.

Beliefs are transferred from generation to generation. It is time to stop that. Why is it more logical to think negative than positive? Long time ago I've asked myself that question because I wanted to find the way to change my beliefs.

Your beliefs change when you repeat the opposite affirmation from the one that you want to change. Negative thoughts also vibrate, just like the positive. Therefore, how you vibrate is in conjuction with the type of thoughts you attract. We are not our thoughts, although they can rule our world. Then, is it not better to think positive?

First step towards the change of beliefs is, of course, the meditation. Thanks to meditation you are raising the level of your awareness, in which you separate from the thoughts which don't serve to your benefit. Just notice them, observe and let them go. The difference between aware and unaware person is that aware person registers the appearance of the negative thought, while unaware person experiences it. Today there is plenty of evidence that most (if not all) of the diseases come from the thoughts and the mind.

Do negative thoughts have strength? Yes, they do. But the good news is that positive thought has significantly greater power than the negative one. The basics of law of attraction concerning vibrations is that like attracts like. You attract the thoughts of similar vibration to your current thought.

Choose your thoughts because conscious choice creates the experience you will then live through.

And forget the old belief: "It is too good to be true."
If it is too good, then it must be true.

Note: Think of the term vibrations in any way that suits you the best.

For more awesome images check this guy: Psychedelic Maniac

Thank you for reading.


thats very inspiring :) thanks for this post! perhaps u find some art that u like on my channel! i followed you! keep it on <3 kalipo

Have you ever heard of NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming?

This is a fundamental foundation of how our brain works and there are some pretty useful techniques for changing beliefs. (They worked on me!)

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