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RE: Why I fight to change the world

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Excellent post. I can see a lot of effort went into it. I will be following your works to see what else you might share.

While I did agree with your post almost in its entirety I have come to dislike one term that has also been pushed upon us. That idea is democracy. You indicated your goal is seek globalized democracy. This is actually pretty scary if it were to happen any time soon. I will explain why. I do want to first say that you said A LOT of other things in your post and I don't really see anything there to challenge, disagree with, etc. I used to be a huge fan of democracy. Everyone having an equal vote sounded great to me. In fact, that remained true until very recently and I am now almost 46 years old.

That quote sums up one of my big problems with democracy, but not all of them.

I don't feel I have the right to tell you how you must live your life. Likewise I don't feel if I gather a few friends we have the right to tell you how to live your life because there are more of us. In fact, I don't think there are any number of people that have the right to tell you how to live your life as long as your actions harm no one but yourself.

So how could I support democracy which believes that majority has the right to tell the minority how to live their lives?

So that is one issue. Let's assume that REALITY is here and it is likely voting and dictating certain things will exist somewhere in the future for some time. This leads to my main fear of democracy.

Look at the people around you. Look at how they are conditioned. How many of them are awakened to the reality of the world and the propaganda and manipulation that is being done to them? If it is anything like where I've ever lived there is a small fraction of people that are "awake". It does seem to be getting better over time.

However, what happens when you give ALL of these clueless people the right to vote that is equal to yours? I can almost guarantee you they will not be voting the way those of us that are awakened will. They'll be voting for anything that seems like it will give them some gain or something for free. They won't care about how that "free" thing is acquired or paid for. Democracy with our current global education would be an unimaginable nightmare.

Now there is a way to fight that. In my opinion the only solution to that is education. We must have an education that teaches logic and reason from a very early age right along with reading, mathematics, etc. It is only with these tools a person can learn to not be lead about by emotions and promises of things that "sound good" yet are logically bad. We also must have unfettered, uncensored access to ALL information. You cannot make an informed vote on anything if you only have been selectively presented information. The people that choose what information you are allowed to see would be in an extremely powerful position to manipulate the likely results of your vote.

I do not endorse democracy of voting except for one way. If you want to see true democracy in action it is called the FREE MARKET (not what we have anywhere in the world except maybe on steemit and some crypto-currency locals). You vote by purchasing services and things you want. You vote for the things you want, yet you don't have the right to use your money to steal from someone else. It is true democracy.

Now some people might complain because FREE MARKET does not mean everyone has the same amount of money. This means not all votes are equal. Equality should be about opportunity to try to achieve the same as another, it should not be about redistribution and making all others the same.

Anyway... long response to a well written article.


This kind of made me chuckle, because when I speak of democracy I mean equal opportunity and not the misconstrued farce that it is today. I myself am somewhat of a Socialist in the sense that I think communities and people should run themselves, not totalitarian regimes. Also, I mentioned multiple times that education is the solution to our problems.

I don't think there are any number of people that have the right to tell you how to live your life as long as your actions harm no one but yourself.

I have long stood by that sentiment.

@dwinblood your ideals are true. Stick by your word. Educate your friends and family. You have a good mind.

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