
Ok so I got a chance to listen to this earlier and I am so bummed I missed being there in real time! My thoughts for @isaria RE: the anxiety are that @avianflew is correct when she links some aspects of anxiety to diet and lifestyle choices. Diet is HUGE for many reasons. I'll get into the more metahysical aspecs for a moment since that is they type of show this is!

(Let me preface this with, I've done my fair share of things that are unhealthy and sometimes still do BUT I've dealt with a lot of issues myself and I know these things from my own personl experience so I am sharing things for people who might benefit-- NOT judging! We each have our own path as you say @clayboyn! :)

I'd also like to share something which I was migrating over from YT to DT and I did this one ahead of the show with the intention of sharing it to give a little perspective on where I'm comng from when I suggest my ideas. There's lot I know, and lot's I don't know... Plus I just thought you might like it because it relates to your topics. So here is a video conveying a message regarding reality that I feel is paramount, yet done in a fun way, because to me it is fun!

🔮 †wêêñ §þå¢ê§ 🌳 By Studio Ananael

Now if that is not your cup of ... Coffee, I get it! ;)

Back to @isaria's and other people's anxiety questions. Sometimes when we have done all we can to eliminate an issue we are having (I saw and heard many other very relevant answers, like your's @clayboyn when you were talking about it being how we feel in our own minds and our focus, plus comparing ourselves to others, or projecting ourselves into the future or past (RE: depression) and not being in the now... all great suggestions!)

...When we have addressed all of these there is another aspect many don't consider which is energeting attachment, psychic attack (just having bad thoughts about another person can cause this, so most people do it at some point!) or entity attachment. This can come from bloodines, religions, abuse, misuse of our own bodies, sex with a wrong person, drugs, alcohol, chemicals in our environment that lower our vibration, WIFI, Cell towers, electrical stations, eating food that has not been raised properly or tortured, chemical garbage food, GMOs, basically anything we do that is not in alignment with each of our own highest purpose, (we all do something, or many of these somethings!)

These things bring us into alignment with a level of frequency that entities are comfortable in. Fear of going outside would do that as well. Low entities can attach into our energy field and it can be tricky to adress the ways in which we invite them in, often without full awareness that we are literally allowing them in. If we get drunk, we may 'check out' and then another entity can actually enter the body not just the field. I think you can see where I am going with this. Music we listen to can do it as well. I love music, but I have to manage my listening very carefully. The attunement of music has been changed at some point into a frequency range that is out of phase so to speak with what would be a moe organic range of frequency which would also be healthier.

You could look into some rumors about what Prince was planning to do before he died to learn more abou this. T.V. entrains the mind into a certain level of funtion that also allows things to attach. This is all intentional in my opinion.

Being taught that we are less than absolutely perfect from the day we are born is also another issue. Each and every one of us is a very powerful being with prime creative force and capabilities!!! We have been taught a lie about everything to trap us into being energetic food for entities that we are told don't exist while the people who have created this narrative know full well that they do. There's lot's of amazing good ones, and a lot of crappy bad vampiric types. So hopefull that will give some ideas to anyone who is feeling anxiety fear and depression... there are thing you can do step by step, and each person's struggle would take a unique approach to truly solev the problems on an individual basis. It can take years, but trust me you can do it! Anyone can!!!

These are my thoughts so far on this show... Be kind to yourselves, work on refusing to cave in to fear... with a little wisdom of course! Don't be reckless and do stunts or something! LOL, Take it one day at a time. We have been taught how to live in a manner that will feed the not so nice ones, we can change it, but first we have to have some idea where to look. Going out and spending some time in natural settings can really help to ground out the negativity or the out of balance positive energies! I hope this might help someone! Not meant to be a lecture!!! LOL
If you already all know these things then I don't mean to like sound preachy, I could not ask because I was not on the chat. OMG this is so long. 😁

I'm planning to get more into law of attraction in one of the future shows for sure. These are things I've written about and it makes sense to me, I'll tell Isaria to check out this comment! Hopefully we get to chat about these things during the show in the future! :)

That will be great! I tend to shy away from tying it into The Secret, the movie just because it had a bit of a spin that lacked the proper comprehension of the subject matter, and was with a shallow partially misdirected focus, IMHO.. BUT as with all of the more mainstream trickles of information that gets published there's just enough truth to make the overall message resonate and get it to enter our consciousness. So I will love it if you get into the law of attraction type material! SO many of the other things people are dealing with really tie right in with this type of knowledge. But you can't really just walk up to every depressed person and suggest they get rid of an entity! Lol.

Thank you! I hope maybe there's something there that will be helpful to her. I've had struggles and I had no one to make these suggestions to me. I had to search on my own for the answers. It is a lot to wade through with all of the differing info out there! Luckily when I looked, some people with answers helped me find a lot of material! After years of learning (re awakening to the knowledge) sometimes the hard way, I think I can make a few helpful suggestions. I'm really going to do what I can to be present for your shows! It's exciting!

Little known fact, but I can't stand The Secret. It felt like an infomercial trying to sell me something I had already accepted and they made it so gimmicky that I couldn't take it seriously at all. 😁

That's sort of what I was getting at, Lol. I feel like it was an intentional misdirect aimed at people awake enough to notice things like that were possible. The reason for the way they tried to 'guide' the masses into their version is because a fully awakened human is so powerful and that threatens their fictional hierarchy. It completely twisted the message and that is why it had a shallow vibe, they were trying to sell people something! But a lot of people have yet to learn of that because they know there is something to the manifesting and law of attraction!

It takes time to figure out there is an entire industry formed to intentionally misdirect awakening humans! Seems you had it sorted from the work go! Awesome!

Sweet, missed half so I'll check this out

Thanks for joining us!

Really enjoyed the show, covered a good range of things, I'd be down to be a guest sometime, but I usually work 8-5 so only have a one hour break from 12-1MST so maybe I'll just participate in chat until I have a friday off or you guys do one on the weekend.

One topic I'd like to see is how you think we should go about promoting spirituality, or if we even should. Ever since I got into spirituality I've found it to be the most rewarding and interesting topic to learn about and want to share that, but many people hold spirituality as a personal thing and often equate religion to spirituality which really deters me from talking about it. That, plus it's hard to put into words.

I still feel like we should spread the importance of spiritual practice on a personal and world wide level

I would much rather see spirituality promoted than religion personally, but I think spirituality is non-competitive in nature so it's something that doesn't really lend itself toward being pushed on others. I think spirituality is something we have to explore and know for ourselves and religion is many people's gateway to spirituality. I happen to think that gateway only lets so much through though.

I wouldn't want to push it on people, just give them a better idea of what it is or means, I had no idea before my first experience, I was basically atheist... Maybe people need to have that kind of experience, I just wonder if there is any nudging that can be done or if allowing it to happen organically is enough

I think some of us just enjoy discussing and speaking about these ideas and abstract concepts and if someone stumbles upon them and something clicks then it's all working as intended. We could totally spend a couple hours discussing religion versus spirituality though. :)

I'd be down for that, do it up. I was raised Catholic and have an interest in most religions because I believe there is some truth in all of them. I bet the interest would be there and you could get a lot of interaction on that topic

That's interesting, I was raised Catholic and started studying other religions when they were teaching us apologetics. I came to a similar conclusion, I find there is wisdom to be found in all of them and they are all susceptible to human manipulation. One of my favorite aspects of Buddhism is how they destroy their own scrolls and literature and don't put much faith in the written word. :)

I don't like organized religion at all. It was intended to be a political tool to divide and conquer people from day one. The teachings they stole to make all of them up may have some merit but are out of context, cherry picked, and manipulated. Religions conquered mamy a spiritual culture if not through forced conversion, they just slaughtered them. The average church goer may not really think much about it, but then that's the purpose of telling people what to believe. Spirituality is internal, religion is external. I'm just sharing my two cents on the subject. If it were not for religion the world would be an entirely different place and people would still know their connection to the natural world is sacred. Instead people are told it's ok to destroy and dominate it. Maybe for some it can be a gateway, but I'd have to look at the facts and ask to what that gateway really leads... Not trying to offend anyone who believe differently, just sharing my perspective. :)

Yes! Let’s make a pot and chat. Let me pull out all my favorite memes for this grand event!!

You might have enjoyed the pirate topic I did last night. I should definitely have you on one week to discuss philosophy, it should be interesting.

Cant wait to listen to this later.

Oh no! Sorry I missed being there! I was SO looking forward to that. I will have to watch the recording now! 😬

It's all good, it was a rough start, but it's only up hill from here :D

Yep, it is :) You definitely have a great idea going!

Here it's just kind of at an odd time of day, because I'm used to these types of shows being at night. So it's at 2 pm ET? I will have to remember that for next week!

It was weird picking a time that works for me and others. I considered just going late night with it, but that cut out a lot of people too. Hopefully the recordings help.

Thanks dear for sharing mindfulness techniques philosophy

i missed sir... i was busy that's why...

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