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RE: [PHILOSOPHY] Against Transhumanism

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Cancer cures are abundant in nature already. I think its very hard to have a choice in this since geoengineering is an implicit part of this agenda and so are Monsanto and the bioengineers, we already have artificial semi biological creatures being created, I personally feel that the bees are being purposely killed off by Monsanto as they cannot wait to release their bee bots to take over fertilizing all crops and their dream of owning and controlling humanity by controlling the world's food will be complete as well as their new aluminum resistant seeds. Their goal is to patent all life and its not just human life they want to own. Many civilians are already walking lab rats having breathed in nano microchips and smart dust that are self assembling nanobots when they get into the human body, the journals out there that have been published on this are in the hundreds, then the plasma field that is used to pulse Electromagnetic waves in an attempt to control human thought, the corporations that can now beam subliminal messages into the human mind when we are out and about, Geordie Rose and his D Wave computers that he describes as an alter to an alien god, Elon Musk says that AI is the biggest threat to Humanity. And do you ever feel like your computer is already interacting with your unspoken thoughts? Its all real and happening, the scientific papers are out there confirming it all, we are in far deeper, than we know sadly.

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