Honesty Or Diplomacy??Can an honest person be polite or a diplomat honest?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


Sincere people usually act impulsively.
They are highly confidents and altruists and they can separate and judge easy and fast the situations.
When they talk, they are a bit rude and get angry in disagreements by creating tensions.
Don’t count the emotional loading of their listener since they believe that as they say the truth, without a bad purpose, there is no cause for distress.
They are emotionally strong and facing each situation in a straight line.
Their extrovert character makes them popular and they really act for everyone's sake, but without considering the consequences of their words, frequently having enemies, because people don’t like the harsh truth.

Diplomat people usually act thoughtfully.
They are polite, flexible, doubtful and usually they are delaying to make a decision because they think twice all the parameters.
They are good listeners. When they talk are calm and avoid tensions or parallels.
Don’t want to hurt others and believe that humanity is fragile like them.
Their kind character makes them also popular and people feel nice around them.

Of course there are a lot of “bad diplomats” who act with an individual interest disregarding the needs of others and have different intentions from what they show.
But that is another topic for discussion.

But my question i believe that will never be answered....

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.
Oscar Wilde

Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery.
Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Maybe if we cut them in the middle ...
Sincerity and diplomacy we will have the right measure.
'Couse after all "Metron Ariston" as the Greek Ancient saying... all in good measure!!!!

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Why can't an honest person be also polite ?

That is the question @iliasdiamantis ;!you can be honest and polite but how people get it? Most persons don't like the truth even if you dressed it with the most beautiful costume....

Truth ... That is a huge generalization ... Are you , are we sure that we possess the truth and others don't ? Over the years I have learned to keep my opinion for myself, because it's my opinion, my truth if you want, and doesn't necessarily holds true for the other person that has an entirely different set of values, ideas, experiences etc.

Of course, if someone wants my opinion he can have it.

κατά την γνώμη μου για να έχεις αυτό που λένε διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις στη ζωή σου ,αναγκαστικά και δυστυχώς για μένα πρέπει να είσαι διπλωμάτης, να συμβιβάζεσαι ,να δέχεσαι και να ανέχεσαι πράγματα που δεν συμφωνείς.... κάτι που κρύβει μέσα του και μια δόση υποκρισίας,άλλοτε μεγαλύτερη κι άλλοτε μικρότερη....
αλλιώς είσαι μόνος σου ,χωρίς δουλειά,χωρίς φίλους,χωρίς σχέση

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