Why I switched from Youtube to Dtube and why you should too

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)

If you want to watch the video version of this I will be uploading it later this day.

So let's start:

Hello everyone my name is Ax Huecas and today, we will be talking about why I switched from being a youtuber to a Dtuber (If that's a thing).

As you all know, youtube is now in an adpocalypse that's in a whole new level, and it's damaging small and huge creators alike. channels got demonitized for no apparent reason, even those interviews with the president were demonitized. (that's from casey neistat) You now need to have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time which damages us creators on youtube.

So creators (like me) are finding ways not just to entertain and educate our viewers, but to earn a living as well. We do youtube full time is because we see that youtube can protect us, but when they start to push us out and we feel that we are not protected anymore, we search for other places.

That's when I found Dtube. I found dtube because of a comment in one of the videos that I was watching on youtube about the alternatives of youtube. And it triggered my curiosity. So I went on and did my research and after a day, I joined Dtube! I didn't wait for the approval because I was really excited about dtube and the potential that it brings. Imagine a world where you and your viewers are the only ones that are in charge of the channel.

So what is Dtube?

In simple terms, D Tube uses S TEEM as a database and enables earning rewards from your uploads. More about STEEM later.

The Dtube developers wanted Dtube to be decentralized that's why they thought that blockchain is a natural solution. Any video uploaded on Dtube becomes a STEEM content, that can earn rewards for 7 days. If your worried about the storage of your videos, they use DHT or Distributed Hash Tables. If your worried about how your videos get promoted, DTube has NEW, HOT, and TRENDING categories. Your videos will automatically fall there so people will see it, no worries. You can share your link on other social media sites too you know. ONE IMPORTANT THING! Did I mention that you can earn just by people liking your post? YES THAT'S RIGHT! And you can even get paid liking (upvoting) and commenting posts. Okay enough of that earning thing, let's talk about STEEM

Steem is a blockchain-based rewards platform for publishers to monetize content and grow community. Steem has many advantages over other blockchains. It is fast. It is free, anyone can use it without having to deposit some form of currency, and transactions have no fees. Who would want to pay money to upload a video, comment a video, or even upvote? NOBODY. As an added bonus, the STEEM blockchain already has a reward-earning mechanism. According to a blog post by ms007, Any video uploaded on DTube becomes a STEEM content, that can earn rewards for 7 days. DTube doesn't use either the title or the body of a content to store information, therefore if you don't want your video upload to appear in your feed, you can edit or delete it, the video would stay intact on DTube. While it would be possible to display nothing on other platforms like steemit.com or busy.org, I believe the current behavior to be fine and will help the platform growth and the users rewards.
Using IPFS as a static file storage.

You see, DTube is the next youtube, and better! creators should start bailing out from youtube if youtube doesn't do anything about their monetization thing.

So, why should you switch too? Well, because of the freedom that you can have over the advertisers and the freedom from an owner that bends over to advertisers to please them. So you can focus on your community more and the community can help you as well. If you're not in DTube already I highly suggest that you switch over because I really believe that DTube will become the next big thing! Help me spread this message to other people and creators as well and let's make this movement known to people! Share this video so that other people can see the benefits they can get from DTube and how great the platform is.

What are your thoughts about DTube and Steemit? I want to know too :D


Great post! I will be following your posts! Be my friend

Sure! Follow me on DTube too :D

I found this timely since Youtube just changed their monetization rules yesterday. I have been on Youtube for a year or so and just found out about Dtube in the last couple weeks. I posted a video but I don't know how to get them discovered yet, but I am def interested in learning more about Dtube... As far as youtube goes, it is good to have a backup because they can change their rules, algorithisms at any time and they do. Who knows what else can happen in the future on the Youtube platform.

It's great to find someone that is a fellow youtuber too :D I'm fairly new here to so I'll keep you posted on the things that I will be doing here on DTube through these blogs :) Are you full time on DTube? :D

I did a test and uploaded 2 vids to Dtube but that is all so far. I wanted to wait and learn a bit more about it. I hope to get another video up by the weekend. I will stay tuned to your Dtube!

How did it went? :D

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