English Idioms #02 : Cutting Edge

in #persian7 years ago

cutting edge
مرز مقدم پیشرفت
(The forefront of progress in an area.)

In this hospital, we use cutting-edge technology to ensure that we provide our patients with the most accurate diagnosis, as well as the most effective treatment.

در این بیمارستان، ما از پیشرفته‌ترین فناوری استفاده می‌کنیم تا برای بیمارانمان دقیق‌ترین تشخیص و مؤثرترین درمان را ارائه نماییم.

مثال دیگر:

He is a great scientist whose research is at the cutting edge of his field.

او دانشمند بزرگی است که تحقیقاتش در مرز مقدم پیشرفت رشته‌ی او است.

This post is part of a series on English idioms for Persian speakers. You can find the other entries under the tag [ #idioms-tutorial ].

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