Offgrid Landsearch : 24.5 Acres in Fairbanks, Alaska $35,000 🇺🇸
This morning I stumbled upon a beautiful 24.5 acre Property in Fairbanks Alaska for only $35,000 🇺🇸 (See below)
That’s less than 2 Bitcoins !
Ever since the days of watching Northern Exposure (actually filmed in Roslyn, Washington State) I have wanted to move to Alaska and build a log cabin.
Nothing as big as Maurice Minifield’s place but something with similar interiors.
Big stone Fireplace, Thick log walls, lots of exposed wood :
And a very long Dining Room Table for big Dinner parties…
Trailer :
More Light :
This is the Property Listing :
Dream Big !
Your chance to own over 24 acres zoned General Use, of remote land, past Chatanika. Perfect opportunity to build a remote cabin with wooded privacy, and lots of healthy trees. Located on the Old Steese Hwy, before the Upper Chatanika River Campground. To the east of the Old Steese Hwy.
Maybe I would be better off down in Roslyn, Washington …
Anyone here ever visit Roslyn ???
Looks pretty.
Northern Exposure was the best