The Movie Obamagate is a Must See! Incredible job Dean Cain and Kristy Swanson the character of Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, James Comey, Andy McCain and John Brennan are Clearly Seen!

Obamagate thank you for this Great Link Delia Cantu
ObamaGate Movie | With Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson | Co-Produced By The Unreported Story Society

According to the Liberty Loft

The dismissal does not come without further controversy. We have all heard the stories about the attempts to unmask Flynn and other concerns in the case. I wrote about the speculation about how much Obama knew and who was involved in the operation.

New evidence emerged as part of the dismissal that shows that former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden both knew more about the case than indicated. Notes by anti-Trump FBI agent Strzok show that Obama and Biden were both in the “know” about Flynn. His notes indicate that they knew about what was happening.

Biden has claimed he did not have knowledge and was not involved in the case, but evidence shows otherwise. According to the Strzok notes, Biden made the suggestion of the Logan Act, which was the law used against Flynn. Biden was not only knowledgeable, but was the one who suggested the method!

The notes also show that Comey suggests that the calls between Flynn and the foreign official were legitimate. That was not enough for Joe Biden and Obama, however. These latest revelations probably explain why Obama has been more outspoken lately.

Biden and Obama are both implicated directly in the attempt to subvert an incoming US President through this action. They attempted to undermine President Trump and the American people. The Democrats and the media will not report this. They need Joe Biden because they have no other hope.

Evidence found here,

To see direct messages for yourself you can go here,

So remember. ..

Special counsel Robert Mueller's office scrubbed all of the data from FBI agent Peter Strzok's iPhone, while his FBI mistress Lisa Page's phone had been scrubbed by a different department, according to a comprehensive report by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released on Thursday.

After Strzok was kicked off the special counsel investigation following the discovery of anti-Trump text messages between he and Page, his Mueller's Records Officer scrubbed Strzok's iPhone after determining "it contained no substantive text messages," reports the Conservative Review's Jordan Schachtel.

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According to the Federalist Papers,

When the OIG obtained his old cell phone in January, it had been issued to another individual within the agency and investigators were unable to recover any text messages sent or received by Strozk on that device.

Two weeks after Page departed Mueller’s team on July 15, 2017, her government-issued iPhone was also wiped and restored to factory settings and had not been reissued to another person within the agency. No one within the special counsel’s office or the Justice Management Divisions of the agency had any records as to who cleared all the data from the iPhone.

The OIG was able to recover more than 19,000 texts between Strozk and Page on their old government-issued Samsung Galaxy S5 devices that had been lost due to the agency’s “collection tool failure.” The OIG did not include the content of these texts in the report.

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See the over 300 page Strzok investigation document here,

he very convenient and timely wiped software on phone of for missing Strzok-Page messages

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