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RE: Side by side comparison of obama care and the G.o.p's crap replacement.

in #obama7 years ago (edited)

Im very sorry to hear that Mary. Something has to give. The backs of many anericans are being broken with the unaffordable care act at a time where true relief is needed. God bless and take care. Thanks for visiting." Youll recieve coverage for the price of a cable bill". Amazing.


I personally think government is to far reaching and they tax every little thing they can think of driving up costs. If they would get their noses out of everything marketplace competition would work. This is an interesting video you might like, short but to the point.

Whats the most scariest words in the english language again Mary? I believe, im here from the government and im here to help...haha. Its always better to be self sufficient as much as possible. True video, much like last week i had no idea id be on this forum talking with you. Iteresting times to say the least. Unfortunately all i see is bigger government and more of it in our lives in the next 3 n a half years. Buckle in.

I for one now choose to not participate in the voting circus since my vote makes no difference. What is really scary is what they are doing to our children. People need to stand up and say ENOUGH!

Trump has besty devos as head of the education department, her maiden name is Prince. Erik prince founder of Blackwater and high knight of malta is her brother, so you know how that office is going to be handled.

For sure. There is not a politician on the planet I trust.

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