Yield! - a surrealistic suggestion for safe driving ;-)

in #nsfw7 years ago (edited)

Another fish!?

I have heard friends tell me, that I put myself in my paintings as this... "character". Oh well, not the worst place to be, right?

I found it safer to use the nsfw tag, as one can clearly see a body part, for the showing of which you face serious harassment on facebook. Not that I want to sound cynical. I do respect those, who don't want to see it... and with the tag in place, everyone can choose for themselves :-)

Alright, this said... onto the picture:


The title may seem a bit far fetched, but I am surrealist, after all. And the situation to me looks like those two sitting at a traffic light, waiting for it to turn green, so they can dash on... in whatever vehicle they might be using.


This picture is actually a digital collage of two other paintings I did in my very special Hinterglas technique.


So beautiful Reinhard. I love the notion of 2 visually very different life forms stopped at a metaphoric traffic light. Equal in their beingness. Each just waiting to proceed with their plans and their paths when the light turns green.

Your comment is equally beautiful and so very poetic. Its late at night here and as I am reading your delicately woven trail of words, I almost see the taillights vanishing down the road...

I haven't had my coffee yet this morning, so all I have is a generic I LOVE IT for you. :) Gotta consume the caffeine so the brain will fire on all cylinders. LOL

Hahaha... can't even get my eyes to open with a generous coffein boost first thing in the morning. Thank you for your compliment :-)

Perfection! =] .. & to think such a talent as this respected a writing of mine.

I love how you visually created what your friend calls 'a character' and shared it - an abstract of your psyche! .. I think I know what your friend means, but it's difficult to put to words. That is my best representation :]

I was trying to find what I pictured an extension of this painting and for some reason, I can see them traveling by boat across the seas together where the maiden opted for the life comparable to the fish - free-unrestrained and naked =)

You know, every now and then, I come across a comment, which leaves me so positively stunned, that it seems hard to find the words for an adequate answer.... there is an amazing amount of truth in your words!

Big compliment =) Thank You , no need to thank me though... the comment derived from your painting... because its so delicate yet pure worthy -talent

I like it 😍

Cordial thanks :-)

fantastic artwork ... :-)
upvoted and resteemed

Thanks a lot!!

I see you do a lot of digital work, impressive! On your profile you also say you are a goldsmith... would love to see some of that work and welcome a link or two here in my comments :-)

Ah ok... i will show you... THX

have in the moment only two picture in my blog,
because there is not much interest in jewelry ...
but in the future i will show more handmade rings, bracelets, and so on ... -
THank you :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing! These are really fascinating. I particularly like the bracelet with its elegant shape and the bold colors! No sense in upvoting after 7 days from what I understand, but I am definitely looking forward for more. In case I miss one, you can always poke me with a link!

Ok - i will do - Thank you :)

Hi Reinhard - here is another piece made by me - THX for watching


Amazing! Thanks again for sharing :-)

Photography as a form of art somehow fades to true creativity when artists make something totally our of nothing :) And this discovery process fascinates me :) Great work.

Your art is equally fascinating and whenever I look at my poor attempts to get a decent photo of someone I am always in awe of a skilled master like you!

Thanks, but i still think it is different. It is equipment, and capturing something that is present. Of course skill and experience allows to do more often and notice things that may pass unnoticed otherwise. But It is not creating something with your skill out of wildest imagination. Something that never ever even existed before :)

Thank you for saying that, but I can only agree to a certain point ;-)

You to create an image of something that wasn't there before. At least not at that particular arrangement. Take your recent post (you got my vote, but I'm still trying to find the right words for an adequate comment)... sure, the beautiful Lady, the dress, the rocks and the sand existed but it takes your creative vision to compose it all in to a breathtaking picture.

The process of actually taking the picture surely involves a lot of skill and experience. Not very different of what I am doing.

It all starts in our mind... we just walk a different path to the result :-)

that hat though...
the colours too are cool...what's the inspiration behind this?

Actually, it all started when I wanted to draw a hat...

nice collection , may i hope your will like some of my fine-art drawings to

Thank you, good luck :-)

well its don, nice to meet you, have some nice day, greeting

Love this one!
Very interesting :)

Thank you very much!

First of all, excellent work! The reason I opened the resteem from sean-king is because I saw the nsfw tag but I couldn't see what's the problem... Really, on facebook you get problems with that? But it's a painting, right?? (Rhetorical question - collage but still from paintings!) A boob, but a painted boob!!! (which you barely see by the way) I am pro of this tag but I think lately, generally on social media, it is overused for no reason. Your artwork is amazing, natural and it doesn't deserve to be labelled like this! :D Congrats, very magical!

Thank you very much for your compliments.

Yes, several artist friends and I had problems. FB harrassed me to the point, that everyone who wanted to share my content, got a message stating something like "potentially dangerous content". One friend even got a warning for posting an old masters painting with a half nude. Its absurd. But I thought, I better paly it safe ;-)

Just for kicks, here is my facebook version of the above picture:


iiiih eeewwww......no they didn't make you do that!!!! That's awful, destroying your artwork like this! But yeah, facebook is super sensitive I guess, 'potentially dangerous content', all threats... Friends tags me on check in 'Your friend said she was with you there' Like, 'we don't know, that's what she said' :D :D Have I seen any of your work on @photo-trail's blog (only photos though so probably not)? You seem familiar, I feel like I keep bumping on you and surprisingly I don't follow you!?! Well, I do now, just saying ;)

I had a good friend in the US a long time ago, brilliant painter, and when he didn't like something, he used to say, "this too will self destruct"... wonder if it will work with fb ;-)

If you found me on that blog, it would be without my knowledge. But I think we "bumped" into each other before. I remember reading some of your resteemed posts. Looks like I should follow you too :-)

Yeah, I think resteem did its wonder this time then! (enough of the boring/spamming resteems I see...it was about time to see a proper one ;) ) Yep, it looks like it indeed ;)

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