Two ways to make everyone happy

in #news6 years ago

Today we can distinguish two prime opposing groups of people: those who serve Creativity for the sake of Creativity and those who serve Consumption for the sake of Consumption. First group relies on increasing the number of connections between people, physical and virtual objects, as well as the overall complexity of the world. It needs to rely on the achievements of the previous thinkers and creators, as well as the constant ties with the society.

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Consumption, in turn, relies on enormous efforts and spendings that maintain the model itself, as well as the pursuit of a personal gain in most processes.

It is easier for creators to create new systems and “add to a common pie” based on the work of their predecessors. Adherents of the Consumption model spend a lot of time trying “to sort the things out” and to keep or expand control over their part of the pie. In other words, our choice is to “complement” the cake with joint efforts, or to divide it, cutting off valuable parts.

The Consumption itself does not make most people happy. Creators stuck in the consumption paradigm feel themselves “partisans” and find themselves in a constant conflict with the rest of the world.

Creativity does not require formalization and artificial limitations. Meanwhile, Consumption uses formalization as a paddock for the masses of people. Experience suggests that formalization does not work - even the simplest voting system for someone else's high-quality content quickly degrades into using bots, self-ups and sub for sub mechanics. The same can be said about the European legislative insanity about memes.

So how can we make everyone happy?

Consumption leads to the death of ecology and human culture, and then the death of the planet itself. Meanwhile, today the consumption paradigm covers both consumers and creators.

Nextgen “deals with the Devil” will be voluntary: VR, universal basic income and social rating will create the perfect “voluntary concentration camp” in which the “sleeping” paternalist Consumers will gather, transferring the world to the caring hands of the Creators. There they will feel the charms of war without death, adrenaline without mortal danger and casual sex without consequences. Gamification and achievements will “reward” everyone with a sense of continuous progress.

Creators will have a world that is not constrained by marketing and the dominant vector set by a single authority. For them, robots and VR will become a tool, and not an artificial dream prison. The whole world will become a platform for discussion and unrestrained imagination. Social parasites and those wishing to control all nations will simply lose their “host” - eventually the history will erase the very memory of exploitation and the Pyramid.

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