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RE: Steemit vegetarians, "deathless meat" is almost here...what do you think?

in #news7 years ago

I'm sorry but that doesn't make any sense. "Mother nature" doesn't provide anything. We humans artificially selected a plethora of foodstuffs, and now grow them and cultivate them and reap them. There's nothing "strange" or "unnatural" about lab-grown meat.


I agree with you, @tychoxi. People have been tinkering with genes since the dawn of farming. Our cows, corn, etc. are nothing like their ancestors. My dog is great, but thank goodness, she's nothing like her wolf ancestors. Through mate selection, we're also probably quite different than our "wild" ancestors.

Tinkering with nature is what we do. In that way, it's also entirely natural. Even Neil D. Tyson changed his stance on GMOs. It's like any other tool - it's what we do with it -- but there's nothing inherently bad about it. In fact, we have always needed to do it.

If this lab grow meat is safe and helps curb some current abuses that hurt both animals and people, why not? And yes, I made some pretty good "faux" meat patties yesterday with sweet potatoes and flax seeds yesterday. But that's me.

Mother nature does provide fruit & vegetables. You can go into a forest and pick berries and all other types of fruits and nuts. Humans didn't wake up one day and create vegetables, we found them in nature then learned to cultivate them. Meat grown in a lab just sounds wrong, why don't we just make our meat healthy. We can having such large farms where the animals are stuffed with hormones and forced to live in their filth.

We do it because people want cheap meat. If they didn't do those awful things, meat would cost more. Of course, that would help curb consumption, so it would be more like the old days when meat was more of a luxury and people ate more vegetarian sources of protein. My father said they'd often eat lentil soup when he was a child (so often, he got sick of it), but he grew up fine.

You are right about, "the old days when..." in those days the poor people that rarely could afford to eat animal products had better health and the wealthy often were unhealthy and died younger than their servants. BTW going vegan saves me an easy 50.00$ or more on my grocery bill.

Mother Nature provides all the food we need to stay well nourished and healthy. There wasn't always GMO's, pesticides, food cloning, etc etc. People were living off of Mother Nature's fruits, veggies, seeds, grains, nuts, herbs, etc. before all of these killer foods, poisonous water and drinks, preservatives, additives, steroids, artificial this and that were added. Those are the things that are killing us. Oh yes, lets not forget about synthetic drugs that are killing everyone also....which they didn't need way back then either because they used Mother Nature's natural healing foods. Mother Nature is where the "real" cures for diseases are. Don't let the gov't and Big Pharma fool ya. They are the ones controlling the population and they do it by putting poison in our foods and water. Why do you think doctors who have found cures using Mother Nature products mysteriously die? It's been going on for years. They don't want us to know the truth because it will take money out of their pockets and they'd rather have us walking around like zombies.

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