Eye-opening Study Predicts Solar Cycle Will Cause a 'Mini Ice Age' as Early as 2020

in #news7 years ago

A bombshell study, led by professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University, suggests that in the next few years Earth will enter into a cooling phase that will set off a series of events leading to a mini ice age.

Researchers came to the somewhat alarming conclusions by creating a mathematical model of the sun's magnetic fields.

According to the models, there will be a "huge reduction" in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053. This will cause global temperatures to decrease—drastically.

The temperatures will plummet to levels not seen since the 17th century.


As IFL Science reports, the future predicted activity of the Sun has been likened to the Maunder Minimum. This was a period when the Sun entered an especially inactive period, producing fewer sunspots than usual. This minimum happened at the same time that conditions in Northern America and Europe went unusually icy and cold, a period of time known as the “little ice age.”

“During the minimum, the intensity of solar radiation will be reduced dramatically. So we will have less heat coming into the atmosphere, which will reduce the temperature,” Zharkova explained.

While some of those in the mainstream media used this study as a means of inciting panic about mass famine and human casualties, in reality, a mini-ice age will be managable—thanks to modern technology.

As IFL Science reports:

The previous Maunder Minimum occurred in the 17th century and lasted between 50 and 60 years. During this time, winters were colder: for example the River Thames, which usually flows through London, notoriously froze over. The ice was so thick that people could walk from one side to the other. However, the citizens that lived in freezing, 17th century Europe survived these cold winters, and they didn't have the heating technology that we are fortunate enough to have today. If the next solar activity minimum does affect the weather on Earth, it will not be deadly for the human race.
Speaking to Sputnik, Zharkova explained that ice ages "keep repeating every 350-400 years because the Sun goes through this [period of] minimum activity."

She said planet Earth has “natural mechanisms” designed to withstand ice ages and has done so “for billions of years and survived."

Although humans have the technology to survive such a drastic shift in climate, as Zharkova notes, it will not be without some struggle.

“The problem will be for us to pass through the minimum of current magnetic field activity, which will come in the next 30 years, because I can only guess that the vegetation period will start reducing," she said.

“If you have less [solar] emissions, less radiation and dropping temperatures it means that vegetables won't be able to grow properly, wheat can't grow properly, so we might have a problem with some sorts of food which we will probably need to think through.”

The reduction in global warming will only last until the sun becomes more active again in the 2050s, Zharkova said.

“We have to be sorted by that time and prepare everything on Earth for the next big solar activity,” she said.

Zharkova's research has been carried out over many years and has come to similar predictions for the future of the climate in the past. As TFTP reported in 2015, the group of astrophysicists noted that our planet is just 15 years from a new ‘mini ice age’ that could cause extremely cold winters characterized by the freezing of normally ice-free rivers as well as by year-round snowfields in areas that have never witnessed such climate conditions before.

In continuing their studies, it appears that this ice age is closer than originally thought. Although the media and government may use this coming cool period to promote fear, Zharkova left IFL Science with a word of advice. “It will be cold, but it will not be this ice age when everything is freezing like in the Hollywood films,” she said.



You are spot on except it is here already. Brrrrrr. Thank you for bringing this important post. What a bunch of malarkey this global warming is. I just will never understand why anybody thinks that hiding the truth is a good idea.

This is true. Prepare.

And there have been people shouting about this for the last 10 years.
However "climate change" is all anyone hears about.

If you live in a place where it gets cold, get a wood burning stove and lots of firewood. As the electric grid will not be able to handle the load, and the snow load. And a wood burning stove may be your only source of heat.

Hmmmm....bitcoin or woodstove. You just helped me decide, thank you!

Where burning is forbidden, compost produces heat nominally. Many peasants in Europe survived the last mini-ice age because of compost.

You should try setting up mining rigs. I saw one ASIC miner that's designed to function as a heater.

The ASIC rigs won't work when there's no power.

Hard to stop dung from working =p

True. But what would happen if the animals die? On top of that we have pollution and other global warming contributors that would actually make the coming mini-ice age far less severe. The global warming would reduce the effects of the solar minimum. I'm living near the equator. So personally I'd actually prefer if things got colder.

"...what would happen if the animals die? "

We would join them. We won't live long without them.

I suggest you have a look at how CO2 and temperature interact in the fossil record. There is an 800 year lag between temperature change and CO2, and it's backwards: CO2 lags temperature.

I fear you'll get your wish soon, regarding climate. By 2020 the Grand Solar Minimum will begin dropping temperature, and this paper suggests we'll face a mini-ice age that will last for ~30 years.

You might be a bit more comfortable, but if it does happen as predicted, it's likely that millions of people will either be forced to move south, or die.

I suspect that might impact your comfort more than a couple degree drop in temperature.

Actually it would make my life more comfortable.

I checked the charts. The research papers were bit too long. The CO2 lag is real. Thanks for the info. But we do have the Green House effect. Hopefully it'll kick in along with the mini-ice age.

I am scrambling to find more information regarding many prisoner transports to Gitmo in these last few days, and other significant policy matters, of substantial import, presently.

I'll try to find time to see the video you linked.


Edit: CO2 levels have been as high as 6k ppm (about the time the dinosaurs were splattered), while life thrived on Earth. It's about 400 ppm now. In the entire history of human industrialization, we've raised CO2 about 200 ppm.

We are 5.6k ppm short of reaching the levels that life showed no signs of being harmed by. I am not concerned.

The globalists lust for a global tax. This alarmism is baseless, and propaganda intended to convince us to accept a carbon tax.

I am far more concerned about the incipient drop in temperature, as that IS a threat to civilization, by driving political instability and war.

This is why I suspect that mass migration of tens of millions of people south will decrease your serendipity far more than a bit of coolth might increase it.

good point -- in Switzerland, the chalets were historically shared by 4 families, each with their own quarter of the building. The cows lived on the first floor, the people ate on the second and slept on the third. I'm willing to bet a lot of the cow heat, and heat from composting feed and hay on the floor, would rise up and help heat the building.

Ever seen those "pigaerators" that Polyface farms used? Keep the greenhouse nice and warm.

Great post. Im sure this will happen one day, but we dont know when. I do hope it doesnt happen, destruction will be upon all of us as we are not equipped to deal with such extreme conditions.

Yup. Human nature is that we think we control everything -- even when we think that what we are doing is accidentally destroying the planet. But whatever is going on in the world, we're always sure that it's got to be due to us in one way or another.

Would be good for us to take a deep breath and realize that, at most, we are like a mild case of scabies for the planet . Irritating -- but far from catastrophic. A little ice age will trim some of the overburden a bit.

I have been an avid follower of the climate change debate, and find that a lot of people on both sides make some valid arguments. The big issue to me seems to believe who's science do you believe. With money to be made on both sides, I have been skeptical of what is real and what is being manipulated. Climate is obviously an amazingly complex science, so what to believe. I have been following the solar magnetic changes and sunspot issues with great interest and have felt that their data seems to correlate best with historical climate issues. This is a great post and it will be interesting to see, since it's within our lifetimes, if it does, indeed, prove to be the primary driving factor in climate. Excellent information. Thank you for sharing.

Interesting . Would make sense . The past 4 winters have been slowly getting colder . Never been much snow here . This year we have had 7 inches . In a state that someone says snow . They think about the stuff inside a freezer .

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