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RE: Restaurant Owner at the Center of Pizzagate, James Alefantis, Answers Questions About Pizzagate Outside Comet Pizza

in #news8 years ago

You just gave yourself away by calling it an "alt-right circlejerk". You're obviously a paid troll. the "alt-right" slander is the new "conspiracy theory" propagated by the guilty left to smear the progressive left's investigation into the corruption inside these pedophile rings. Next you'll be calling us communists and blaming pizzagate on Russia. OBVIOUS TROLL IS BEING OBVIOUS. This post is one enormous con.


Your reasoning is highly flawed. My appropriate use of the buzzword 'alt-right' bridges none of the conclusions you have drawn. Your comment amounts to a massive non-sequitur. You are grasping at straws to sooth your cognitive dissonance.

Ooh! Look at all the fancy words you know!! Are you in college?

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