


Screenshot 2018-02-27 at 4.35.36 AM.png



Screenshot 2018-02-27 at 4.35.36 AM.png

thanks for the post. well. it happens

Jokes about this? That is a joke in itself. Assuming this did not really happy is bury your head in the sand. Everything is possible. We had a few of this in Belgium and I can ensure you they were real. No jokes about it

The Belgians also stage fake events. Sorry. This will be hard for you to comprehend if you don't research it. But they've been lying to you for years.

I am Dutch and I live in Belgium, I know people who have gone through this so-called fake events. You do not know what you see when there is a razzia somewhere and people empty their pockets. Out for that, I do think there is a load of smoke without fire and things lighted on purpose, but it is any way ever so cruel to make jokes about it. Whey would you feed it? let it be do not give it any interest. that is just where the real ones kick on.

We mock these fake events so more people realize they are garbage and the false terror does not enter their brains. It's absolutely not cruel to make jokes about HOAX events. You take away the power of propagandists by making them look ridiculous.

I have lost a man I knew to much to call a friend with the bombing in the airport in Brussels. I am friends with a woman who lost her grandchild in the metro station. Who it does I do not give a fuck. But I tell you the happening is not fake.

You can't persuade the insane with logic or facts. To them, the whole world is a big scary place full of liars and thieves who will poison your children for $12 or a big shadowy government that gets off by lying en masse in ways that would be easily caught if true.

They're way off in the woods. Don't waste your time. Just flag the post and move on.

A lot of these nutjobs literally believe the Earth is flat, and that NASA is lying to them. :D

Hey @Sneak. You've got it backwards. We don't believe that the earth is flat, nor do we believe that NASA is lying to us.

We simply don't buy the official narrative re: many things. The burden of proof is on those making the claim.

With that in mind, why do you believe that kids died at Stoneman High?

What logic and facts do you have?

You can't just shut people up because you don't agree! That is unallowable censorship. Downvoted!

Who said anything about shutting people up?

I flagged you because I didn't agree with your rewards. You're siphoning about $70,000 USD per month from the rewards pool with your self-voting.

Then you flag me because you disagree with me - which is it? Is it ok when I do it, or is it only ok when you do it?

JUST LIKE How you DOWNVOTE anyone who has anything to say about YOU!!!!

You are the fucking DRAMA QUEEN of STEEMIT CENSORSHIP!!!! #FuckYouBitch

Check out the new @Haejin Video

Ah, and the noble haejin comes along to protest against being downvoted. Shortly afterwards he goes and downvotes all those who've protested against his reward pool rape.

I would research if I was you, where this news is from! and where it is about, and who is this stupid voice?

it really is sky news. haha like always taking other visions to complete different texts for your information, this was not an exercise. It makes him sound ever so stupid. We all are adviced to have heatblanquets in our EHBO case in the car, so even on that moment there could have been about 100 and yes the fire man have them in packs of 100 in the car. Many times in car accidents they need them. There is so much not true. But it easy to place a different film with self made text.

Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. Refute the claims or GTFO. The agency a person works for, or their of anyone is irrelevant in the face of the information presented.

i am sorry my english is not good enough to understand this sentence. My mistake sorry, but would you like to explain what you say there?

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