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in #news7 years ago (edited)

We are all being played by the powers that be, and that includes so-called "Judeo-Christianity"; which is an oxymoron since there is nothing in common between Talmudism and the true faith, in Christ (Yahshua Messiah). This nation (meaning race, kindred, family) started out as a European experiment, based on God's Law. We excelled when we followed that premise. Now, that we have turned our backs on Him, He has allowed the 'dogs' to rule over us, His Children (House of Jacob-Israel). The Zionists are the imposters (Rev. 2:9). When the sons of Adam (Caucasians who believe in the Father), come to their senses and throw off this idea that man came make new law, and get back to following our Creators laws; we can overcome all of this madness. The first and foremost thing to do is de-throne, and de-fund ALL Talmudist and exile them to some remote island where they can no longer hurt any of mankind. Once they are out of the way, the rest of us can work on the issues at hand and resolve them quickly, to the benefit of all. Remember, the 'love' of money, is the root of ALL evil.


As a person coming from a family of mixed faiths (Christians and Muslims) and a country where this is very normal, I can assure you that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Christianity and I hold in very high reverence what you just mentioned above as we both share a similar view with regards to the "Synagogue of Satan". The world has suffered enough at the hands of these Zionist criminals and their perversions trying to defile all Abrahamic faiths and twist people's minds to adhere to their sick version of a pedophilia-stricken world where people idolize devil-worshiping "celebrities" and the Zionists rule supreme. This is one of the most important reasons why I take pride in the fact that Lebanon has defeated the Satanic, Zionist state of Israel and humiliated it not once but twice already (2000 and 2006) with the impending final third blow not very far behind.

Together, we can defeat these monsters; they are nothing but pathetic old farts wearing makeup and cloaks while playing around in their make-believe fantasies about worshiping Satan and manipulating the money supply which is indeed the root of all evil.

Peace and Love.

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