📰 " Media Manipulation In Germany-🇩🇪 The Whole Truth What The Germans Polical Want " by @lichtblick 📰

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians,

Today I will write something untypical here on my blog. Normally I avoid politcal stuff as governments make no real sense to me as they just divide and conquer. In my opinion they will be replaced sooner or later through direct democracy and  the blockchain technology. 

In this whole contex I would like to show you the ongoing kind of media manipulation that we have in germany everyday. 

I found several surveys on http://focus and on http://ard.de and made some screenshots for you. Even if the screenshots are in german language, I guess you will get what I mean.

Do the germans want Angela Merkel?

The newspaperes are writting how much the germans love their chancelor but the whole truth is most people do not want her anymore. Here is an actual survey from the focus magazine and you can see clearly  that 82% from 67711 visitors do not want her anymore. So the reality looks quite different from what the mainstream wants to make us believe.


Do the germans want a further ongoing big coalition?

As we had elections the political parties have to form the new government, that seems the only chance for Angela Merkel to be in charge and so the papers tell us over 61% want a big coalition government. 


Here ca you see the whole true from over 120 K visitors 79% say" No " to the big coalition


Are the germans for new elections?

Here you can see that from 32k visitors only 10% want the big coalition. 34% are for a minority government and even 53 % want a new election.

Are germans stupid? What thinks Napoleon about them?

There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people than the German people. No lie can be conceived roughly enough, the Germans believe it. They pursue their fellow countrymen with greater exasperation than their real enemies." Napoleon

Until now Napoleon was full right with that. Somehow you can say the germans are easily manipulable and could been seen nearly as  stupid. That is what is now slowly changing the people get more and more that they live in a democracy ilusion while paying 70- 80% taxes from what they earn. Hopefully they will soon all awake and do net let them divide through ideologies such as political right or left bs. We do not need further terror who has its roots in the governments to keep the sheeps scared and quite.

Direct Democracy now! Power to the people.

What do you thin about this topic. Are the medias manipulated in your country? Do you think we need governments? 

Follow @lichtblick


Hey @lichtblick,
i think there is something special, what the german seperates from other nations... "we" are a concentrate workers, have many scientists and a high standard in life... also so many cultures.
For sure, the history tells us something else... how you have wirtten it, we belive sometimes everthing at all. Blinded by wrong kind of goverment and with their heltless promisses.

Your last question in your post was, "do you think we need a goverment?"
-> I think people need a kind of agenda with some easy important rules. Not like our criminal code and law books. And i think too, that the people need more power. By the way... i don´t think that Merkel, Schröder, Kohl, etc. really has a choice. They are as reluctant as I say, all only puppets. Same for the american presidents.
The real ruler of the world are people like the clan of Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bilderberger and groups like the bohamian club and black rock.

But anyway... i found a very cool video about the manipulation through and about the mediacontrol/mediamanipulation which I would like to recommend to you:

That is why they try to crash our culture with ideological bs.
You always have a choice- even if you choose not to be a puppet in the game ;-)
Thanks for the video I have watched it a few years ago :-)
Follow you.

tnx for resteem.....

Nice write up and my point of view is that we need a better system of government...

As a libertarian i whould prefer radikal reducement of Governance and multiple freedom output :D

I would have wondered if not 😁, seems that in the steemit community the freedom lovin people have a majority, that do I say as a Greenhorn here, so I feel twice as comfortable here compared to other networks

Yes here on steemit are a lot of free thinkers and peace lovers :-)
Follow you.

Thank you very much. Fully agreed :-)
Follow you.

Top!!!!! Upvotet und zu mir gepint! Hamma!!!! Danke das du diesen Artikel gemacht hast! So mag ich dich am liebsten!

Ich danke dir für dein liebes Feedback und fürs teilen :-)

Vielen Dank für diesen Post. Sehr gut, dass Du dir Die Mühe gemacht hast diesen Text zu veröffentlichen. Jeder kann sich selbst ein Urteil bilden und für sich entscheiden was er als wichtig erachtet. Ich selber habe geurteilt:


Upvoted, sehe ich genauso, aber denke nicht das wir uns unbedingt mehr manipulieren lassen als Andere. Die ganze Welt ist mehr oder weniger gleichermaßen beeinflusbar. Würde sagen, je höher die persönliche Informiertheit aus verschiedenen Quellen, je geringer ist die Manipulirbarkeit.

Das Selbständige aktive sich informieren, aus verschiedenen Quellen, halte ich auch für sehr wichtig. Ausserdem sehe ich immer, wieder, dass Menschen, denen ich persönlich so eine Informiertheit und Reflexion gar nicht zugetraut hätte, Dinge wissen oder so sehen, wie sie uns aus einschlägigen Mainstream-Medien massiv abtrainiert werden. Das macht Mut, wenngleich auch die Verwirrung durch Fehlinfomation weiterhin hoch ist. Letztlich kommt es auf den eigenen Kompass, an und frei nach Kant, sollte man stets den Mut haben sich seines Verstandes zu bedienen.

Da stimme ich dir voll zu. Danke und ich folge dir.

Du sagst es: "Medien-Manipulation in Deutschland!!"
Ich sehe auch das sich in Deutschland was verändert. So langsam sehen immer mehr Menschen die Wahrheit ;) Aber bis sie dann aufstehen und endlich mal das richtige machen kann ja auch noch eine weile dauern. Ich finde Deutschland hat das nicht verdient! Weder als Land noch die Bevölkerung.

Es wird Zeit das sich was dreht ;)) Und schon fällt mir da ein Song ein ;)

Jetzt mal ehrlich:

Solche Posts sind doch erst der Motor um überhaupt jemanden mal zu nachdenken an zu regen ;) Ich finde deinen Post super und es sollten mehrere davon geben die auch kein Blatt vor dem Mund nehmen :))

LG von @fratheone

Danke. Das war heute mal ein Testpost.
Ich möchte auch nicht unnötig aufwühlen sondern nur auf Misststände aufmerksam machen.
Folge dir.

Dein Post hat für mich den Test bestanden ;) Und genau um das geht es doch: Auf Misstände aufmerksam mach und zur Diskussion bringen. Wenn wir nicht darüber reden (oder wie hier schreiben), würde sich ja nie was verändern. Also wegen mir kannst du öfter solche Posts bringen. Ich bei der Diskussion gern dabei ;) Und Danke für Follow ;))

Das Zitat, das Napoleon zugeschrieben wird, rezitiere ich selbst bestimmt einmal im Monat.
Ich bin für die Freiheit und gegen den Zwang. Wer die Unfreiheit liebt, soll sie gerne ausleben, aber bitte ohne mich zu zwingen dabei mitzumachen zu müssen.

Danke fuer diesen Beitrag. Diese staendige Meinungsmanipulation und sozial Konditionierung ist unertraeglich. Leider funktioniert sie tadellos. Fernseher an, Gehirn aus.

Sehr gerne und danke für deinen Kommentar :-)

We in Russia also. In the media asserting that the Russians are happy to choose Putin. But actually people want a different government. We are tired of foreign policy, we want change in the country, improvement of life. After all, many people live below the poverty line. But people do not believe that we can change something. Elections in March 2018, but no worthy candidates.

Whoa! @lichtblick
I like the fact that you Germans are airing your views and desires strongly even though those views and desires are against the still powerful government of the day. This is really nice, standing up against authority in demand for what the masses want is really nice. You all are proving Napoleon wrong there.

Media is being manipulated in my country (Nigeria) too but as they say

the truth is like oil, no matter how much water you pour on it it keeps floating for all to see

Simply saying that no matter how much manipulation the truth always stand out. And in Nigeria the masses have the habit of speaking against the government when the masses feel like their rights are being trampled upon. But usually the masses speak more but act little, I hope you Germans dont also end up speaking more and acting little.

About government: I think we need government but not the type of government that is obtainable in the society today. We need government and laws so that protection and security can be afforded the weaker and poorer citizens, because without governments the strong and powerful citizens can wrong the weaker ones without any redress.
But we need a different type of government that would be extremely more democratic and less authoritative.



Thank you very much. I like your opinion and followed you :-)

Great, you're welcome. And thank you. I've followed too, I like your rationalism.

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