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RE: Pedophilia In Islam, 90% of Pakistani Street Children Are Sexually Abused (Squawker)

in #news7 years ago

The clear inference you make here is that Muslims are depraved; you state that Islam is intrinsically tied with paedophilia. As a normal person, it is not difficult for me to identify you as a bigot, but I would actually like to challenge your views properly with a fairly simple argument (I understand that it must be difficult for someone like you to follow structured arguments, so bare with me).

I'm an atheist, so in my mind's eye there is no omnipresent power controlling an individual's decisions. People make decisions because of who they are, not because of religious doctrine. Whilst religion certainly is a factor in the lives of billions of people, their character is their own, and is not ascribed to them by religious text. Islam is not how you portray it, and Muslim individuals who do wrong do not give cause to the sort of argument you employ - that the very few aptly describe the many.

You're wrong, end of story.


I am an atheist too... and from all religions in the world islam is not the worse, but because is so big their bad characteristics are really out there in your face, and in some places rampant. Sadly (for you) i do think that Islam still tied with pedophilia not encouraging it persay but rather turning a blind eye towards it.

And if you read the Quran, you can see that the prophet married a child. So that can be encouragement and a point for them to not see pedophila as anything wrong.

Catholicism few hundred years ago was almost in the same spot as islam, violence, ignorance and fear of 'god' ruled the social structures, marriages were similar in terms of age , midle age men had girls as young as 12 year olds as wives back then and was 'normal', but that changed over time, and still we have priests doing some sick stuff to this day.

I do think that if the Muslim population wants they can change all that in the Islam, since forever religions have changed aspects of their teachings to acomodate peoples realities and needs. But if we dont pinpoint and turn a blind eye to the rampant problems in Islam and the hypocrisy surrounding em there cant be a change for good.

Once Islam start to change into the 21 century standards of living where life, gender love and happiness and PEACE is valued over everything else. Then and only then the world will have a better chance of evolving.

There are worse religions and cult than Islam, but right now islam is one of the biggest. Other thing that also is rampant in Islamic countries and muslim cuminities all over the world besides pedophilia, is incest, incest destroy your genes and create sick and mentaly retarded offspring. These new incest offspring that are mentally retarded are easier to manipulate to become fanatics, and carry up acts of violence.

If have a problem and you dont fix it, you become part of the problem.

So by leting them know they have problems and telling them in their faces is the first and only way to make them start changing and demanding higher standards of living.

You think i am wrong, look yourself in the mirror. Then think again. End of story.

Are you seriously suggesting that Muslims do not think incest and paedophilia is a problem? Surely you realise that this isn't the case.

Also, Muslims do not turn a blind eye to evil acts committed falsely in the name of Islam. The Quilliam Foundation is a brilliant example of Muslims taking action within the Islamic community in order to counter a problem that has become prominent. But to suggest that Muslims accept and allow incest and paedophilia is a disgusting generalisation that certainly is not an accurate description of the vast majority of Muslims around the world.

I am an atheist like you, i dont defend any religion nor i have favorites. I critizise all religions unlike you that just dont allow critizism of Islam and almost suggesting that i am an Islamophobe, so be it, i am an islamophoe, i am a jewphobe, i am a catholiphobe, i cant digest religions, some have good values others dont but at the end is just a belief system from the stone ages. WE ARE NOT IN THE FUCKING STONE AGES.

You just want to be in the higher 'moral' standing and that for today standards is trending on defending islam, you are defending something you dont know and neither understand to virtue signal.

Numbers prove you wrong, you can be outraged all you want.
Reality sucks buddy, thats how life is.

And for what i pick from your response i think that either you are a muslim acting as a atheist, or one of those fake social network 'ultra progresive trendies' that pander for attention to those weird ideologies that were birthed in eco chambers by ignorance.

And the trend of defending islam ignoring all the violence they have created all over the world history and that if you start reading you will understand that is WAAAAAAAY WORSE than any otherr religion. Just blows my mind away that how retarded people are.

Here let Gad Saad explain it:

You have no idea what Islam is and what islam has done through out the history of the world.

Read history a little, and read actual present numbers of incest, pedophilia, rape, violence against females, violence in general, You will see that muslims are WAY more violent than any other group.

And if you think by defending Islam is going to buy you credit points with Muslims? HAHA you are soo naive they dont give a fuck if you defend them. If you are not Muslim you are garbage in their eyes.

Get a grip in reallity kido. Read some books, stop wasting your time in social media networks and get the out of your parents basement.

A bonus:

I know Muslims, just as I know lots of people of different faiths. The religious people I know are not extreme, they do not espouse the views you suggest they do, and they are genuinely nice people. I'm not here to defend Islam for no reason, I'm here to defend my Islamic friends from being unfairly attacked by an ignorant fool like you.

So no, I'm not some social justice warrior here to defend something I know nothing about, though I'm also not an Islamic scholar who can read aloud the Quran from memory. Instead, I'm someone who knows and has met many people of different faiths, including Muslims, and I can say with utter certainty that they are just like any other person on this planet - they are no different to you or me.

If anyone needs to get to grips with reality it is you - we live in a globalised and diverse world, so it is necessary to be open and accepting in order to not resort to unwarranted hatred. Hatred of people who commit awful crimes is acceptable; hatred of a religion on the basis of the actions of individuals is unacceptable.

You are talking about people, i am talking about religion. Islam is not compatible with your way of thinking and west values. Read up more about it.

If only Muslims would change Islam from their violent bigoted and sexist roots from the stone age and bring it to the 21 century that would be great.

But these absurd teachings are in the core of the Islam, and the mayority of muslims follow them. If you are here to defend the few that do not follow those teachings and want to live their lives in peace good for you but you cant be attacking someone for pointing out issues on their belief system just because you know a few of muslims that do not follow 100% of their teachings and you feel bad for them. You should be telling THEM to do something about their own religion.

If the muslims that you know are not following those teachings that Islam preach. Out of comon sense or because of what ever then Islam have actors that can start to change it from its core, they are the ones that should start changing Islam.

According to Islam those muslims are not muslims, they are infidels and deserve nothing but death.

I made this post to point this issue about children sexual abuse issues that need to be adresed because its in the Quran, the Prophet was a warlord marreid a child!

You have there a narrative where the prohet is a warrior that gives fanatics the excuse to be violent, and also married a child, that gives an excuse for the same.

Now for comparison, imagine if Jesus was a warlord that married a child.
What would you think catholics and christians would think it will be okay?

Catholic religion changes over time so does christianity and judaism they adapt to evolution of humanity.

Islam does not. At least their 94% mayority not. 1 billion muslims in the world.

There are plenty muslims that are normal, even artists, rappers, famous sport players, look up Dave Chappele, i love him and hes muslim.


Wake the fuck up.

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