Benefits of radish seeds for married men and men

in #news7 years ago


Benefits of radish seeds for men Radish is considered one of the richest sources of iron, iodine, sulfur and also vitamin C. Not only that, there are some varieties of radish, which are famous for their potassium and magnesium.

Scientific studies and medical research have confirmed that radish has many medical benefits including its effectiveness as anti-fluorine and bone strength. It is also used as a treatment for urinary incontinence. It is not only this, but its juice on the saliva helps in the prevention of some bile acids, liver and rheumatic episodes, Radish after food directly helps in digestion, and benefits of the chest also helps in the treatment of chest pain, where treatment of pertussis.
Benefits of radish seeds for men:
The benefits of cinnamon for sex and its miraculous ability to increase sexual ability

Benefits of radish seeds for men The most effective feature of radish is its strong ability to treat infertility in both men and women. The experiments of experts at the National Center confirmed the need to eat radishes before marriage to avoid any birth defects in the fetus. The radish also contributes to the restoration of sexual force, where doctors advised to eat the seeds of radish dry grinding well regularly for a period of not less than 10 days in order to address the problems of ED.

The results of the experiments on the seeds of radish also in men that it works to increase sperm and stimulate the movement even if the number of sperm is almost none, which shows us the importance of the benefits of radish seeds for men, where some doctors prepared a mixture of radish seeds to remedy this problem , 20 g of ground beans, 20 g of ginseng, 20 g of radish seed, 20 g of linseed, 20 g of watercress seed, 20 g of palm leaf, 20 g of queen food, 20 g of pollen seeds, using this mixture without grinding, 3 times honey should be added and honey must be mixed each time with a wooden spoon or b This treatment should be used continuously with cupping as well, starting as a result of this experiment after a period of not more than three months. However, doctors advise to continue this method even after the results appear three months later. 21 cassettes on the sides of the pubis, 3 cups down the back, and a cup at the end of the bone that mediate the ribs and the beginning of the abdominal cavity, which is called what is thought. This method helps in treating the zero cases of sperm and eliminating this problem in men.

The benefits of radish seeds for men are characterized by their wide therapeutic uses in stimulating ovulation and fertility. Eating radish seeds in a suitable amount will increase the sexual ability of those suffering from erectile dysfunction. In addition, The amount of estrogen similar to that found in humans, and this makes it useful with symptoms related to menstrual problems such as hot flashes and interruption of the menstrual cycle.

It is also useful for skin, because it contains the salts of calcium, iron, iodine and sulfur, and also contains vitamin A, and (c), but radish because it contains oil called oil The pilot is considered a heavy material on the stomach is weak and therefore advised doctors with impaired digestive system or those suffering from liver problems to reduce the amount of intake to the maximum extent. Radish is characterized by its effective ability in the treatment and prevention of blood clots and beginnings of cancer, and helps to balance blood sugar and relieve the leakage.

Smith has done studies on most plant foods to see their effect on the tissues of the body and reached several amazing facts that made the white radish comes in the forefront of food recommended in programs to lose weight. It has been proven that white radish helps to dissolve excess fat and disposal, Thus helping to lose excess weight.

The reason for the effectiveness of the radish is that it is enriched with vitamin C, which increases the activity of the bile and the kidneys, which leads to increased urinary incontinence and fragmentation of the stones in them, and the low content of proteins and fats, makes it a solvent for hip fat, buttocks and abdomen.

Radish can also be used as a treatment for some infections and oxidation such as sinusitis and also for the treatment of throat infection, as it contains a quantity of vitamin C. It also has a positive and effective effect in the treatment of asthma, and radish also has the therapeutic ability to help men who are addicted to smoking In eliminating this phenomenon.

The benefits of radish seeds for men are important, so doctors advise to eat regular radish as a method in the treatment of sclerotic sclerosis, which leads to so-called hardening points in the brain and spinal cord, which causes paralysis and tremors and other neurological symptoms.

China's doctors have recommended the use of radishes as a natural sterilizer, and as a treatment for rheumatism.

Here are the ways to use the benefits of different radish seeds:

How to use radish to take advantage of when we mix a tablespoon of seeds from the radish, with a small amount of water to make a paste, or with Vaseline This mixture can be used as an external stimulant used once to three times a day as an external stimulant.
Another method to be used is the age of roots or leaves or their time, both of which is used 2 to 3 tablespoons with a glass of water a day, before the food for a period of not less than half an hour.
The third method is when you put a teaspoon of radish seeds ground in a cup of boiled water and after it cools and is filtered, drink the human after 2 to 3 times a day, and must be taken after the food mixture.
This method is done by placing equal amounts of both grounded seeds and honey and eaten by human after food, a tablespoon three times a day.


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