in #news7 years ago

US Spends More On Intelligence And Military Operations Than Everything Else Put Together.


Last week the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for the Department of Defense published the intelligence budget request figures for 2018. A budget totaling $639.1 billion was proposed by the DoD, with nearly $80 billion of that earmarked for the various National and Military Intelligence Programs.

The National Intelligence Program (NIP) funds Intelligence Community activities in six Federal Departments and two independent agencies:

  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Department of State
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Treasury
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Office of the Director of National Intelligence


DNI Releases Budget Figure for FY 2018 Appropriations Requested for the National Intelligence Program | 2018

The aggregate amount of appropriations requested for the FY 2018 National Intelligence Program is $57.7 billion, which includes funding requested to support Overseas Contingency Operations.

Any and all subsidiary information concerning the NIP budget, whether the information concerns particular intelligence agencies or particular intelligence programs, will not be disclosed. Beyond the disclosure of the NIP top-line figure, there will be no other disclosures of currently classified NIP budget information because such disclosures could harm national security. The only exceptions to the foregoing are for unclassified appropriations, such as for the Intelligence Community Management Account.

Intelligence budget requests | 2005 - 2018

YearNational IntelligenceMilitary IntelligenceTotal
2018$57.7 billion$20.7 Billion$78.4 billion
2017$54.9 billion$18.5 billion$73.4 billion
2016$53.0 billion$17.7 Billion$70.7 billion
2015$50.3 billion$16.5 billion$66.8 billion
2014$57.7 billion$20.7 Billion$67.9 billion
2013$52.7 billion$19.2 billion$71.9 billion
2012$53.9 billion$21.5 billion$75.4 billion
2011$54.6 billion$24.0 billion$78.6 billion
2010$53.1 billion$27.0 billion$80.1 billion
2009$49.8 billion$26.4 billion$76.2 billion
2008$47.5 billion$22.9 billion$70.4 billion
2007$43.5 billion$20.0 billion$63.5 billion
2006$40.9 billion$40.9 billion
2005$39.8 billion$39.8 billion

The IC performs under two separate programs

The National Intelligence Program (NIP) refers to all programs, projects, and activities of the intelligence community, as well as any other programs of the intelligence community designated jointly by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the head of a United States department or agency or by the President.

The Military Intelligence Program (MIP) refers to the programs, projects, or activities of the military departments to acquire intelligence solely for the planning and conduct of tactical military operations by United States Armed Forces.

National Intelligence Program | 2018

Ironically after asking for more money the budget report outlines how to save money by 'focusing on programs that have the most important impact'. These include:

  • Sustains key investments to strengthen intelligence collection and critical operational capabilities supporting counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and counterproliferation.

  • Protects the IC’s core mission areas and maintains global coverage to remain vigilant against emerging threats.

  • Promotes increased intelligence sharing and advances IC integration through continued investment in enterprise wide capabilities and use of cloud technology to facilitate greater efficiency and improve the safeguarding of information across the intelligence information environment.

  • Identifies resources for strategic priorities, including advanced technology to improve strategic warning, enhance collection and exploitation capabilities, and increase resiliency.

  • Supports ongoing Overseas Contingency Operations while adjusting to the changing defense force posture as directed by the President.

  • Achieves savings by reducing lower priority programs.

DoD Releases Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Proposal | 2018

Today President Donald J. Trump sent Congress a proposed budget request of $639.1 billion, $574.5 billion in the base budget and $64.6 billion in the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) budget. This budget request is $52 billion above the defense budget cap in the Budget and Control Act (BCA) of 2011. This funding is required to continue to rebuild warfighting readiness and will restore program balance by fixing the holes created by previous budget cuts. Since enactment of the BCA, the world has become more dangerous.

The total budget request from the DoD was just under the whole of United Arab Emirates GDP, with the total budget for the National Intelligence Program being greater than Uruguay's national GDP. Some would say this is out of control.

I'll leave you with scary infographic.



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Let's fix that, shall we?

United States Is a Corporation run by outside forces In Europe, people In the US need to wake up to the fact that the US Is a captured state and used by the Rothschild bankers and Vatican Jesuits to further an evil agenda.

United States Is a great country with fantastic people who voted for Trump In one of the largest landslides we have ever seen, he essentially won a rigged election for the other side. This was one of the most remarkable things I've seen happen. People In the US should make sure they are all fighting to get the Truth out and take their National and Individual Sovereignty back.

well, safety is number one priority

But safety from what?

we don't know what's happening, a lot of secrets

US Spends More On Intelligence And Military Operations Than Everything Else Put Together.

And they still haven't figured out that The Broken Window Theory is flawed.

They should ask for a refund, I hope they kept the receipt.

Thanks for this. I like it a lot.

I have a lot of reading up to do on Frédéric Bastiat now.

@jacobtothe has started a nice discussion on the topic.

He has. It's definitely food for thought. Thanks for linking.

My pleasure. I enjoy having people join in on discussions.

This post got a 14.29 % upvote thanks to @fortified - Hail Eris !

Well hello little bot animation. Nice to see you here. Thank you.

wow very good information, thank you so much! what do you think we can do to reduce the amount of military spending. I think reducing the flying program hours would definitely help out.

Thank you.
stopping making nuclear would be the quickest way.


thats interesting, how much have we spent since the US got into the nuclear program. how much has tax payers been eating the bill for.

Yes it is and scary. Sounds like you should do a post about it. :)

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