Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 10 July 2020

in #news4 years ago

Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.

In this video Greg presents a fire hose of information. I will try to capture the timestamps of the main topics.


  • (00:13) Democrat Presidential candidate says police have "become the enemy" and calls for defunding the police;
  • (03:54) Reward offered in killing of 8-year-old girl;
  • (04:41) U.S. Congress woman call for "Dismantling" of America's 'Economy and Political Systems';
  • (06:59) Seattle city councilmember vows to overthrow the United States and replace with "a Socialist World";
  • (09:44) Presidential tax records ruling from U.S. Supreme Court a win and a loss;
  • (14:57) America counters China's 'unrestricted warfare';
  • (16:30) Economy;
  • (18:08) United Airlines warns 36,000 job at risk;
  • (21:08) Retail apocalypse accelerates -- 8,700 stores closing;
  • (27:44) 83% of German firms with international exposure warn of collapsing revenues;
  • (28:04) Almost 50 million Americans have now filed for first-time jobless benefits since lockdowns began;
  • (34:45) Mail-in voting;
  • and more..

36 minute video by Greg Hunter published 9 July 2020


Greg Hunter's YouTube channel: USAWatchDog
USA Watchdog website USA Watchdog
USA Watchdog on SteemIt: @usawatchdog

I am not affiliated with the USAWatchDog, other than being a fan and avid follower of Greg's work.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the USAWatchDog, give Greg's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.

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We can only learn from all this ... But I think that's one of the things we don't do very well.

Solo nos queda aprender de todo esto… Pero creo que esa es una de las cosas que no hacemos muy bien.

Hahaha! Greg just ripped off that congress women's so called depression and quite weird accusations! great job!
keep sharing and keep flourishing.

Hola @etcmike gracias esta nueva entrevista de Greg Hunter y los enlaces relacionados… Feliz fin de semana.

Your most welcome sir providing here informational series great👍 job.

Saludos @etcmike todo cambia de dirección minuto a minuto, gracias por hacerlo más fácil, buen fin de semana…

Thank you so much for sharing Greg series.

thank you for the video with GREG HUNTER, have a nice weekend

Thank you very much for the info with GREG HUNTER, good luck

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