
Another idea I just had is...

  1. Bullgryns are slower, movement 6 normally, 8 when charging.
  2. Weirdboy teleport == uses up enemy moves
  3. @pbock teleports a nearby bullgryn in such a way that it uses up it's move, yet doesn't get closer. Because of this, the bullgryn behind it cannot pass through because the first bullgryn is blocking the path. And since bullgryns have a huge base, yet little speed, there's no easy way to get around.
    By doing this we could perhaps occupy both bullgryns with a single action and keeping them from doing anything all turn.

I am not sure how you would get within range/LoS to teleport it, without exposing yourself enormously though.

Another idea is that the weirdboy teleport has a range of 8 but I think you can actually teleport 'as far as your LoS' can see. So you could take a bullgryn and just plop it down as far away as possible, so it is out of shooting/charging range. So we don't have to deal with all of them at the same time

I can't even begin to tell you how genius all of this is...

Thanks!! I thought it was pretty clever too 😎
If i were controlling all characters on our side, I'd definitely do this just for the sake of being able to dominate half your troops with one unit 😀

Napoleon would be proud!

Hahaha, maybe you should give the Runtherd a try next... just so you can have your own little mini-army to strategise with...

I'm thinking about it very much!!

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