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RE: Ork Assault - Game 1 - Introduction and Rules

in #newbiegames7 years ago (edited)

That is correct.
It can be used to get out of close combat without fleeing... leaving an enemy exposed to be shot by someone else.

So if the Weirdboy went first, you could double-teleport.


using teleport to get out of close combat without fleeing... For which one does that apply? the mekboy or the weirdboy? or both?

Maybe we can all become weirdboys and mekboys and teleport across the map to grab the STEEM in 1 turn? :)

So... it only applies to the Weirdboy, because his teleport is an attack instead of a move. If the Stormboy or Mek try to fly/teleport away they'll still have to make a flee role.

So, I just looked up the Weirdboy rules in WH40K, and the Weirdboy's teleport counts as a move. So if you Da Jump the Mek, the Mek can't then move that turn... but conversely, that also works for the enemy. You could grab them and plonk them down in front of your friends and they can't move themselves.

Hold on here... If the Weirdboy moves someone, that counts as a move by the Weirdboy AND the character that got moved!??? That wouldn't be right to use one move and count it as 2! I'm not sure I'm understanding that part correctly.

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