My Son's Guest Spot no.1 - Llamas

in #nature7 years ago

This post was written by my 10 year old son Harley. The words are his, I edited for formatting. I post it on my account as I was unaware when I set up his account a few days back that at his age he is not allowed to post on Steemit. His account has now been locked. He was excited to start posting and I am trying to teach him the value of money, earning it and saving. Any revenue from his posts on my blog will be sent to his own crypto wallet.


Hello this will be a llama fact file but first the llama of the day as you can see hes very happy to be here.

Today we are looking at llamas one of my favourite animals so found this helpful picture that give us some facts straight off the bat.

These herbivores are the south american version of a camel and are used by the people of the andes mountains.

They are saddled with loads of 50 to 75 pounds to ship goods and even with this weight on their backs, in a day they can travel about 20 miles. Now thats a long way!

If a llama is over loaded with goods it will lay there still and hiss, spit and somtimes kick their owner until the weight is removed. Wow talk about a tantrum!

Llamas graze on grass like cows, they throw back up on their food and chew on it for a while they can also eat other plants and need little water.

Llamas are used for many things like for their meat and their fur is used for rugs, ropes and fabrics and their... umm dung is used for fuel.

Thank you for reading



Well done Harley.

While there are still things you will be learning I think your article was well written considering your age.


Just a minnow swimming in the undertow

interesting creatures indeed thanks for sharing

Now I know the difference - thanks Harley!

Nice post Harley, keep up the good work. I learned something new I did not know about llamas.

Welcome to Steemit, Harley. I hope you'll enjoy the Steem train journey, learn a lot and meet interesting people from around the world along the way.

send my couragement to your son Harvey. i will do the same just like you when i have a child. you did a great thing. letting me try to spread out his word.

I can't believe no-one has posted this here yet.

Have a dose of historical Llama to keep you entertained.

I highly recommend learning about Badgers next... ;)

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