
No I'm not. The current state of my life is a mess. At the beginning of this year like every other year I had a list of things I would love to achieve this year and as the year began to roll, I was very expectant but somehow along the line I missed it and it all went wrong. I am not where I am supposed to be and that makes me extremely unhappy. I have not achieved half of what I set out to achieve and that equally makes me extremely unhappy.

So no I'm not happy with the current state of my life and that is why I working and putting in double efforts to ensure that before the year runs out, I will have achieved at least 70% of all I set to achieve.

How do they say it, "it is not over until it is over" right? So long I am living, I know I would make it right again.

Well, I'm not but I'm thankful.

There are many things I'd like to do, many things I want to achieve but I've not been able to.

There were the years when I had planted my life. I was supposed to be married by 25 and have a nice house with a beautiful wife. That hadn't happened yet but I know I'm making progress.

Sometimes in life we tend to focus more on what we don't have and forget to be thankful fit the things we have been given, the things we have achieved.

The truth remains that while we may not have arrived at where we want to get to, we've made progress and there are those wishing they could be where we are now.

The thing is totally constantly make progress.

There is the saying that if you must fall, fall forward. I buy into the idea. Everyday should be an opportunity to improve on where one stopped yesterday.

Life and time waits for no one. It is those little everyday steps towards a goal that finally leads to destination.

Well I'm definitely not the truth is I value good health and at the moment I do not have good health, money may be the reason why others may be unhappy with the current state of their life, well for me, it's only a fraction.

Sometimes life turns out the way I don't want, it's cruel that I don't have to choose my personality, my dream job or even meet up to expectation when I set targets for myself.

The truth for me us that life is harsh and I can't fulfill my dream of being a writer despite how hard I've tried, I can't go out see the seas, and have absolutely amazing time because even if I want this my health and resources may not permit me.

I'm not happy and satisfied with the current state of my life because I'm lacking in good health and resources, well it can be worse, but I'm happy for being alive

Absolutely not

If I had made a save file earlier in my life, I would definitely hit the load button and live it differently 😭

Happiness is relative term. 

Happiness is referred as a positive state of mind or pleasant emotions or mood.

With time or occurrence of some events, the state of mind also changes. So we can’t say that a person is happy forever or unhappy forever. 

As for as I’m concerned I find happiness in small moments of life like:- 

A giggle on the face for my child makes me happy.

Accomplishing some goal can make me happy.

Helping others and seeing a smile on someone face.

A small family event makes me happy.

Seeing little achievements of my child.

To me happiness is all around us. It’s up to us to find them and make our life happy.  

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