Why Steemers Should Consider Going to "Super Uho" Music Festival in Croatia this Summer

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Every music lover here probably likes going to music festivals, it can be said that those happenings are when we are truly alive. Waves of people enjoying themselves in almost hypnotic harmony. Last evening I went to see excellent Seine concert, a band with one of the steemers @bonvivan as a lead singer and I had an awesome time. I was probably more intoxicated than him, but as you can imagine the conclusion of our talk was that Steemit is going places. 

Back to Super Uho, it could be an unofficial Steemfest with great music and location. Date of the festival is august  7-9 in Primošten Croatia, three days of total bliss. Croatia is not that expensive even in the middle of tourist season. Nothing else to say other than see you there :)


That's for sharing about this festival! It seems pretty awesome... but croatia is so far away!
I'm so new to this community, would you mind taking a look at my page and telling me what you think? I'm a traveling poetic acrobat :D Looking to share my adventures. Looks like you'll be having a grand adventure at this festival!

For sure, can't wait :) I would not mind looking at your page at all, in fact I will go there straight away :)

I wish I could go for one! I love music!
Upvoted & Followed!

Good time guaranteed.


User not found ... :/

Typo, corrected :)

This is awesome. Keeping it for a reference!

Bit ce ludilo :)

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