STYLO by Max Bandicoot / illustration and typography by Milena Milak

in #music7 years ago

Hello Steemit!

I'm very excited to show you an outcome of my first collaboration with French artist Max Bandicoot!

Max and me met in Liverpool when Max was travelling. He sent me a message on asking if I have a piece of floor he could sleep on. At first requested three nights only but ended up staying 10 days! It was a beautiful adventure and I knew we'll meet again.
So we did! In Barcelona where I live now. Max came for a short visit and we managed to shoot a video in just over 5 hours! I did the typography and illustrations, he did all the hard work of editing and producing music.

Here's the video

let me know if you like it!

Max Bandicoot on Facebook
Milena Milak on Facebook


With a permanent marker? That is really cool. Beautiful art at work. Thanks for the share. I am following. I love art.

we we were using very simple tools - just some blank paper and a black marker! Thank you :) Follow Max on FB or YT - he's a very talented musician!

I'll have to check his sites out. Thanks for the heads up.

Super cool. Does all illustrations were made in a single take or you made a few of them and then edited it?
I tried to make something like this once, but kinda failed :)

well, we were a team of two - Max set the lights and the camera on a tripod, I was only doodling and writing lyrics down. It took around 5 hours, an incredibly fast pace - just writing, writing, writing... Paper was in the same position all the time, with each line finished we just switched the paper to a blank sheet that was under it.

Very cool video - also reshared

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