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RE: Dream Theater - A Choose Your Own Adventure - musical tour

in #music8 years ago

Kind of like asking me "do you like to breathe?" I am a guitarist though I haven't played or practiced in more than a year. I need to, I miss it. When I was at my top skill wise I'd set my vision I learning Set the world on fire as a song to push me into new areas. I think I could pull it off, but I needed a guitar with a decent tremolo/whammy bar to pull of some parts and all I have in the electric guitar department is a beat up B.C. Rich Warlock. That guitar has sentimental attachments for me, so I'll keep it but I do need a nicer electric. I also have a Guild Nylon Classical, a 12 string acoustic, and two 6 string acoustics. Yet I haven't practiced... my fingers are tingling thinking about it. And yes Symphony X was what I was going to push myself with. I think I could perhaps pull off some Symphony X and perhaps some Dream Theater, but there are some DT songs I couldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. Petrucci is just too damn good.


When i was young and niave i thought i could learn michael romeo or petrucci... oh how starry eyed i was!

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