Serbian Metal Bands You Should Check Out #2

in #music7 years ago

This week, I'll be talking about the best crossover/thrash metal band in Serbia, NadimaC.


Nadimac was founded in 2003. in Belgrade, by school and neighbor friends, Dragan and Zec. At the start there was an idea of playing thrash metal classics in the time when our local scene was overruned by pretentious and tribute bands. On the begging crew practiced playing by covering the songs mostly from German and other foreign fast bands.

Two years later band begins playing live and as it goes, they leave their mark on numerous locations including clubs, schools, bunch of shit holes and so on. They mostly played for pure raw energy and dirty gig, which goes as one with massive alcoholic and bodily fluids all over the place.

In the period from 2003-2005 band makes first recordings of their own stuff, songs like Vukodlak and Krvave desni, which were recorded by band members using cassette player which was later raplaced with mp3 player. In the year of 2007 band records "Vukodlak metal" which is actually an album, but recorded as demo, as it was recorded in one day and microphones had to be returned.

In the meantime there was a change in bands set up, so Grabic’s spot was filled in by Krle, who was included in making and recording the songs for “Vukodlak Metal”. In the year of 2007 there was another change in the bands line up, this time Daca ( Witch Hunt, Necrorectumonomicon, Daggerspawn) replaced Dule on vocal duty and Cora (Metal SLug) replaced Krle on guitar. Krle and Dule made a new band shortly afterwards , called Port Royal.

Quickly after band makes "Metal je rat" EP which is recorded at the end of 2008 and released at the beginning of 2009, in the same year band released their first album called “ "Državni neprijatelj broj kec" (Public Enemy Number One), for Chinese record label ADP.

Band released their second album "Po kratkom postupku" (Speed Retaliation stile) for the same record label at the year of 2011.

Third album “Nejebanjezivesile” (Not giving a flying fuck?) was released in 2013. by Greek DIY label VSR.

in the year of 2015 forth album “Manifest protiv sudbine” (Manifest Against Destiny), was released by German label Witches Brew.

In the year 2017 5th album "Besnilo" (Indignation) was relased for Spanish record label XTREEM MUSIC.

In meantime band self released first and second DVD release including first demo and EP release. In that time Nadimac got connected with bands and labels so more than 20 split albums in different formats were released, all across Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America.

As for concerts, band tried over the years to maintain their raw honesty and energy as their primary mark. Nadimac performed on many standalone concerts, smaller and bigger festivals, band played everywhere from bakeries, squats, movies, closed football fields, to klubs, halls and arenas. The thing that was always imperative, no matter what, that band always give their best evenly when playing for 1000 people or when playing for 3 man “crowd” (and those situations actually happened). Bend gave their best to play everywhere they could all across Serbia, with purpose of spreading underground spirit.

Band also performed in states of ex-Yugoslavia, in almost every country in the region, southeastern Europe and in countries of central and eastern Europe. One of the most important aspects of bands being is spreading the energy, co-operation and ideas, behind which Nadimac stands from. Untill this day Nadimac had the honor playing on many big local and foreign festivals on which they shared the stage with cult bands like: Sodom, Accused, Onslaught, Tankard, Napalm Death, Hatebreed, Municipal Waste, Warbringer, DRI and many others.

In future band is planning to play as long as they feel the need for it. Their goal isn’t to stack generic releases or to exist just so they could be an old and “cult” band. So they will play as long as they have the energy and anger as fuel, with the goal of changing this world, this way or another, starting from themselves and community that surrounds them.


This band is fucking savage. When you listen to them, doesn't matter which song, your head goes in many directions. Headbanging is inevitable. When you listen to them live, and I had the experience, you want to die in the moshpit. They are incredible, with incredible raw energy, speed, massiveness on stage, and really fun off stage. Great sense of humor in their songs, is one of many highlights that this band possess. Just listen to them, and I know, they sing in Serbian, but nevertheless, give them a try, cause I'm sure that for a lot of people, language is not a barrier when it comes to metal. \m/

Line up:
Vocals - Dača
Guitars - Ćora
Bass - Zec
Drums - Draganče


Links for NadimaC:


Ja sam mislio da su ljudi prestali slusati trash metal, mislio sam da se to samo na svirkama slusa. Nekako mi to nije za slusanje kod kuce nikako, jedino za izivljavanje na svirkama.
Naravno, nemam nista protiv tebe i tvojeg opredeljenja. I da, super je sto postavljas metal bendove, taman nove da nadjem da poslusam. Mada, ja sam vise u fazonu starog Dimmu Borgira, samo zbog Mustisa i njegovih kompozicija, I bendova sa klavijaturama, najvise melodic death i black sa dobrim klavijaturama. :)

Uf tebra, daleko od toga da su ljudi prestali sa slusanjem tresha, pogotovo posle novog vejva, koj je generalno bend Vektor poneo, tehnicki trash nikad nije bio popularniji. Mada moj ukus je raznovrstan, slusam od klasicne muzike, do najekstremnijih zanrova. I volim neke bendove sa klavijaturama, generalno i klavirima. Poslusaj Belakor, bas sam hteo da napisem nesto i o njima uskoro. Oni su melodic death, mozda si i vec cuo za njih. Dimmu Borgira nisam slusao preterano. I neke modernije stvari mi ne prijaju bas. Ali mogo bi da im dam sansu, tj da preslusam nesto od ranije svakako :D

Nekako ljudi u mojoj okolini ne slusaju trash pa zato kazem.
Cuo sam za Belakor mada ih nisam nikad slusao, poslusacu ih bas. Poslusaj starije pesme Borgira dok je Mustis jos bio tu i one jos kad je Shagrath svirao klavijature, mada to je tad bio pravi black metal.

Bas mi je drago da vidim da se neko bavi domacim metal bendovima. Nisam fan trash-a konkretno, ali volim metal, meksi, sto bi se reklo haha Sve u svemu, veliki pozdrav i keep on!!

Hvala covece! Retko ko se bavi temom metala generalno, a kamo li nasim bendovima na steemit-u, pa sam resio da tako jednom nedeljno pisem o njima. Iako najvise slusam trash i death metal, ubace se tu i ostali podzanrovi metala, a i ostali zanrovi van metala. Tako da ono, stay tuned! \m/

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