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RE: A Geeky Guy’s Movie Guide to The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)

in #movies7 years ago

I've got to be honest, I absolutely hated Cloverfield. What could have been a fantastic movie with amazing set design and special effects was absolutely ruined by the shaky hand-held camera nonsense.

It was only the story that kept me hanging on to the end but ultimately that wasn't enough - the poor quality visuals made me feel I'd watched a poor-quality pirated copy.

Fun fact. We couldn't even sell the DVD on eBay. Nobody wanted that steamer.

Having said that, I've added the Paradox film to my list on Netflix on the simple promise of no nausea-inducing amateur camera work.

Thanks for the review - I might have ignored the film on Netflix without your recommendation... but will I like it? That remains to be seen. :)


The shaky camera almost ruined it for me as well. I fought through because of the story. I hope at some point there is a regularly shot movie based on the events of that night. I want more but can't handle any more shaky camera.

I'm glad it's not just me then.
I remember thinking, during that amazing scene where they were traversing the luxury apartment block that was tilting at a 45-degree angle how cool that would have been if you could see it all clearly.

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