Creating Your Personal Mission/Vision Statement


Creating Your Personal Mission/Vision Statement


I recently spent some time revising my personal vision/mission statement for my coaching practice. While doing this, it occurred to me that the vision I have for my work is closely related to my person...


Almost all companies have vision statements and mission statements. They align their goals and strategies towards these, and they ensure that their employees fully understand these statements and work in line with them. Several people spend a significant amount of their time working to help a company achieve its personal mission and vision statement. The sad part is a lot of them neglect their personal lives and do not have mission/vision statements for their lives.

You must have a personal mission/vision statement to become a better person and to live the life of your dreams.

A personal mission/vision statement is the skeletal framework from which the flesh of your life will sit on.
Your goal setting must be based on your personal mission/vision statement It is the foundation on which all your life activities should be built on.
You need to spend some time getting to know who you are and what you want in life to build your personal mission/vision statement. It is the reason why you get out of bed every day. It is what motivates your actions and steers your thoughts. It guides you in the right direction and ensures that you do not live aimlessly.

Your personal vision statement

Try to picture yourself in the future. Close your eyes while doing this. Picture yourself in a few years or months from now.

  • What do you see? Who are you then?
  • What do you see yourself doing by then?
  • What do you hope to have accomplished then?
  • What changes do you expect to have taken place in your life by then?
  • Who are the people that surround you?
  • Who are your close friends and allies?
  • What are your priorities then?
  • How do people relate to you?
  • What level of respect do you command then?

Now, open your eyes. Take a look at yourself and see yourself in the present. Start to picture the changes you need to make to your present life to become that person you want to be in the future.

Your personal vision is a representation of yourself in the future. It shows all the important elements of your life and your business or career. It shows who you are and what you want to be. It tells you how you want to feel in the future, how you want to behave and those you want to attract to your personality. It helps you to see yourself a few years or months from now.

Even though your personal vision helps you to envisage your future, it has its roots in your present life. Your personal vision tells who you are in the present and who you are becoming. Your vision tells you where you are going to. Your mission statement is how you get to where you are heading to.

Personal Mission Statement

Your personal mission statement is how you are going to showcase or bring to light your personal vision in your day to day activities. Your personal mission could be several pages long or just a few paragraphs or words. It is not a to-do list. It is far different from a to-do list.
Your personal mission statement shows how unique you are, and it tells you about the person you are and the person you are going to be. You need to start from where you are to get to where you want to be. You can’t just transform overnight. It’s a process.
Your personal mission statement will provide the detailed steps that you need to get to where you want to be.

Your personal mission statement must provide answers to the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of my life?
  • What are my values?
  • What actions do I need to take to manifest my purpose and my values?

A personal mission statement is an expression of your ability to make a difference. It reflects the deep and inner you.

Your personal mission statement is a true connection with who you really are. It incorporates the four dimensions which are the physical dimension, the spiritual dimension, the mental dimension and the social dimension.
Your personal mission statement deals with every facet of your life. It creates a balance between your work, family and community life. It is something you write to motivate and inspire yourself. You don’t write it to show off to others or impress anyone.

You need a personal mission statement to take absolute control of your life. It tells you who you want to become in life, what you want to do in life, who you are accountable to in life, who you want to spend most of your life with, the principles that you want to lay your life upon and the legacy that you wish to leave behind for others. Every goal setting you do and decision that you make in life will be based on your personal mission statement. It is a compass to steer you through the storm of life. It is an anchor to hold your ship and prevent it from sailing away aimlessly. It is a solid rock on which you can stand firm on.

A personal mission/vision statement will help you become better at your present job and get a better job. The more personal your personal mission statement is to you, the more you relate to it and the more it helps you steer your career and your life in the right direction.

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Very very true friend. Many people live aimlessly most times and this is one of the reasons people easily get frustrated and tired of the journey of life.

Gradually i am living out the vision of my life and that is to help people in life.

Thank you for sharing this truth.

Thanks for your kind feedback

Thanks also for the wonderful upvote, the upvote provide the meal and every other thing I do in school as a final year student in the university.

Every goal setting you do and decision that you make in life will be based on your personal mission statement

This is absolutely right my friend, personal vision/mission statements is a guide.

Thanks for your feedback my dear...

I think that writing a good quality personal statement is not easy enough and here it is better to go straight to the professionals who know how to do it. For example, I already know that you can apply for personal statement write here and they will do it quickly. In addition, it helped me to pass the necessary commission right away. That's why I recommend it. Good luck and success!

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