Money Can't Buy Happiness: Is It So? - An Interesting Debate

in #money8 years ago

Good Day Steemians,

Lately, I've been wondering about this saying Money can't buy happiness. To what extent does it hold true? Let's find out.

Different people have different point of views in this aspect. For some, money is life. For some, its just a need not a priority!

It's a pretty well known saying and we all have heard about it. I am sure at some points in our lives we must have pondered over it's supposed significance. But what does it really mean?

It signifies that money is not the most important thing in the world. It is not the highway that leads you to your destiny: the eternal happiness. People live and die over money, in-fact if you look at close enough and think about it for a second, almost everything that we spend our lives doing is in the pursuit of that fabled printed paper. We work tireless day and night, wash down unfathomable amounts of coffee to stay awake; all in a desperate struggle to earn more and fast. The nights spent awake, the mornings spent scrambling to get dressed and get to work, all in that very struggle. Some people spent all their lives in that effort but it always seems so far.

It is like an ever-extending hallway, the end of which you can never even hope to reach. Let me stop repeating myself, and let's get on with the matter at hand.

The Question arises;

*Does a thing like eternal happiness even exist? If so, how does one go about attaining it? Ah, the questions philosophers have fought, died and lived over. *

Here's what I think;

While money doesn't necessarily buy happiness, it certainly helps. Think about it. With it, you can buy a decent roof over your head, decent clothes, and a proper diet. Without it, well, you're nothing. Basically, you don't exist. In today's world, everything is founded on this little thing called money. Whether you like to believe it or not, even human emotion to some extent are reliant on money at their core.

In this bleak of a world, if you don't have money, you have nothing and you are nothing. Human emotions, interactions, and feelings, in their true sense, are rarely found today. My point is that you can't be happy if you're poor and you can't be happy if you life paycheck to paycheck. When you really go through a time like that yourself, you will only then understand that money is actually the road to happiness. Because during that time, money is probably the only thing you think about. There's a famous saying;

In my view, the saying is directed towards those wealthy people who feel 'burnt out' from their own wealth. People who have too much money and nothing else to do. Ask those people who live paycheck-to-paycheck, ask poor people, they will tell you that only with money can you ever hope to achieve happiness.

Do share your thoughts on the subject. I would love to hear your point of view as well :)

Thank you for reading :)


Well, maybe I am just not rich enough yet, but I used to be happier before I had money. Shopping is fun, and I like buying things, but after I buy something I wanted, I still feel buyers remorse.

Don't get me wrong. I am satisfied with the things I buy - after all I wanted them. It's almost as though the act of buying is more fun than the "having", if you know what I mean.

Just my two cents.

Wow! I really appreciate you thoughts!
The aroma of money makes us feel good otherwise they are just pieces of paper! We as human urge to get more and more and this struggle continues till the end. Thanks for your comment! ;)

Basically my thoughts are what you mentioned already while money doesn't buy happiness but it can certainly help, and its unfortunately because of how society as made it, upvoted!

Exactly, our society have linked our LIFES with money. It has become one of the basic necessaties till will die. So, either we want it or not we need it to survive.

True happiness = Temet Nosce :))

This sentiment is more imbraced by those who have never gone without money ! 💲💲💲
Money may not buy happiness , but it can certainly make you a hell of alot more comfortable while you wallow in misery...😊

I cannot agree more! Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

I agree! Nice post :)

Certainly, money can't buy happiness but I can buy you the things that cause happiness ;)

Very true, cheers!

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