Greg Hunter Interview: Michael Pento - Stagflation and Depression

in #money4 years ago

Greg Hunter interviews Michael Pento, money manager and economist at, about debt, economy, gold, and markets.


  • (00:39) If another stimulus package is passed by U.S. Congress will people go back to work?;
  • (06:28) What about a vaccine?;
  • (13:48) Why aren't known drugs being emphasized? And are people going to take the vaccine?;
  • (16:43) What could go economically wrong and when?;
  • (22:10) What about gold and silver?;
  • (31:15) What is the timeframe when you see this happening?;
  • (36:05) The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market;
  • (38:01) Do you see more civil unrest?;
  • (41:16) Does the U.S. just default on the debt?;
  • (43:20) What would you tell the average person who does not have a lot to invest?;
  • And more...

46 minute video by Greg Hunter published 21 July 2020

Link Associated with this Interview

Stocks Most Expensive Ever – Greater Depression Coming – Michael Pento


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Indeed vaccine takes long time to be made. Pento always comes up with good points to talk about. such healthy discussions are vital for news knowledge and for common man though.
Keep sharing.

Nice informational interview series well 👍job sir.

Great Seres thanks sir for sharing here. i also this time invest in market investing Time.

Saludos @etcmike, Gracias por compartir esta nueva entrevista de Greg Hunter… Espero que pases una linda tarde…

Thank you very much for sharing great information with GREG HUNTER, good luck

great video with GREG HUNTER, thanks for sharing

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