
Fully retired bro. Drawing all 4 of my full pensions that are still scheduled to get 2 raises in the next 9 years plus the release of One annuity built over the course of 22 years. I’m fascinated the interest the subject collects at Steemit. In real life, nobody wants to hear a success story, your friends actually speak less and less to you. So I just keep my mouth shut.

A lot of things had to go down the way they did, the best way to assure yourself of a winner is to begin playing chess at age 7. Checkmate takes an additional 33 years but if you play your game right, the rewards are life changing and you’re only 40 years old.

Even though I have friends who are literally just now beginning to pay toward a pension, they still won’t live for tomorrow. So, what I say now when someone asks me how I did it, I just use a blanket response:
“I made some really good decisions in my 20’s-30’s.”

Yeah you made some really really good decisions indeed!
While I was busy partying , playing with bands, and taking drugs, you were accumulating a small fortune...

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