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RE: Chasing The Next Dollar Business Conundrum

in #money7 years ago

Thanks @surfermarly

I feel ya on it taking 5-6 hours to shoot, edit, and write the article on Steemit. Even when I do the pool meetings it ends up being an entire day thing and that is just me being stationary and stalking to the camera. But I put that video intro in and usually chop down the end of it but I also have to do multiple takes because I tend to go off on tangents and it gets too long. Then rendering the files and uploading them and then putting them into the post and taging the videos on YouTube and all that. It is quite a process.

I know what you mean with the money for sure. I mentally had a really tough time for awhile because my college roommate has a shoe company and his dad invested $250,000 into his company from the start and then injected another $100,000. It sort of made me envious of his situation and became a mental block for me because no one would take that chance on me. It was upsetting but I ended up getting past it and realizing that that type of thing isn't going to happen for me.

I have often wondered how much money is enough and if it would just make more sense to make a good chunk and live the beach life like you are doing!


I can only imagine that you need the same amount of time for your "pool meetings". From the outside, everything seems so easy: "you having a nice swim" :-) But there is definitely a lot of work behind, I can totally realate.

Interesting story of that "sponsored" friend. Yeah well there will be always people who are going to be supported in a special way. That shouldn't tear us down, because we can't compete with it. I always try to focus on people and opportunities I can realisticly compete with and then try to learn from them. Gifts are non-competitive :-)

You know what: you just inspired me to do a post about that "how much money do we need" question. There was another guy who talked about the very same topic in his intro post and had some really nice views on it. I will search and find him again and put all this information together. Nice thought for a Friday: maybe the beach is far enough :-))

Have a great weekend, Brian!

By the way: that beach and view looks exactly like my favorite beach here on the Canaries! Nice bridge. Sometimes the world is much smaller than we actually believe :-)

The money thing is a tough one. I know I have been more happy when I have had more money mainly because of stress hitting me hard when money is tight.

Have a great weekend!

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