in #money6 years ago (edited)

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Instead of waiting until everything lines up just right, maybe it's time to start your side hustle now! There is no down side, all it takes is a good idea and a solid, functional website. I have used Hostbaby since 2000. It's $20/mo so it's affordable and lightning fast.

The servers are also very dependable AND you can even talk to an actual person if you need help with something. That is so rare in this age of AI and automated, inhuman, often terrible service. I don't work for them or get any kickbacks, I just genuinely think they are the best. Check out

They are made for musicians but I have used them for clients from paint stores to arts and crafts to T shirt sales to Broadway play promotions and even an NFL agent's website. The great thing is commercials, youtube videos, promos and all forms of audio and video and photo are a few clicks away. Since they're made for musicians, they're multi-media friendly!

All you need is a good idea and a website and you have a business. You'll start getting Google searches pointing your way, you'll start registering on other search engines too. Then you can use social media to link to your page back and forth and start selling your goods and/or services immediately. Great for photographers, artists, musicians, custom T shirts, salespeople of all kinds, public speakers, teachers, mechanics, and pretty much whatever you do!

I did a Google search using my name and all of the best results and links pop up due to my personal website. That alone is a HUGE deal as you grow your business. Just make sure you put up good, updated content and your website will rise to the top of the search engines as well. Check out all the immediate search results as the first three links that pop up are my very own website out of 280k results!

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And you don't have to know ANY CODE!! That's the big thing. They offer stencil websites with different themes and you can always find a good one because most of them are highly customizable. And if you just so happen to be a musician, it's a no brainer. But again, all other business ideas work great here too. Here's a couple screen shots. This is the filter I used for my personal website where I sell music, art, orgonite and custom services:

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And here's what my website looks like after putting many hours of work and customized graphics using that filter:

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Here's my BIO page:

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My Orgonite page:

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My Donate page:

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Notice I have video links and "Buy Album" widgets on the left which is SUPER easy to do. They have a whole widgets section where you just drag and drop and add links to your images.

So instead of waiting until the summer solstice light casts upon the first monolith and the moon and the stars are all in alignment, just start putting your dream job and your passion to work for you. Work your own hours, start it while you're still working and then grow it on the side, and eventually, make it your full time gig. We need more passion, more love, less slavery and corporate cubicle bullshit, more humanity, and more customized services out there! REHUMANIZE and create your own dream job now. Help yourself: help the world.

This is not a promotion, I don't get paid for this, I'm just showing you what I did and I've been self employed since 2000. No alarm clocks. No ass hole bosses. No slave hours working my whole life for someone else's benefit. I work for myself. I work directly with customers, many who have become friends, and I use YouTube and other social media to make commercials, promos, and music videos to bring business in from those platforms too.

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In an age where you don't need a website, you actually DO NEED A WEBSITE! More than ever in fact. Cell phones made watches obsolete, which is why I wear a watch again. I like going against the grain, it works out well actually. And, you won't have to pay a Webmaster any fees because you can update immediately and in real time yourself, without knowing any code! This makes your website so much more up to date and relevant so people keep coming back on a regular basis, which is the key to success. You won't have to rely on anyone but yourself, which is a beautiful thing!

There are too many rules and regulations and small print and data mining in the headlines these days from Cambridge Analytica and Facebook to censorship on YouTube and Twitter. This is the golden age of having your OWN cyber home, like the beginning of the internet was. What was, IS again. I hope things start rolling for you. I am sending good energy toward your endeavor. Congrats on the new company in advance. Cheers!


Check out my consciousness music, orgonite, art, and services here:

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