The plan for a New World Currency - SDR (IMFs Special Drawing Rights) - "World Money"

in #money7 years ago

George Soros calls for a Communist China led New World Order and gold backed SDRs as World Reserve Currency

And this happens NOW:
"World Money: Five Hidden Signals From The IMF"

The IMW and China are pushing for the SDRs in case of a financial crisis.
"The Bank of China official took that message even further saying that he hopes that China could lead in world money operations by integrating it into the private sector."

This cover of the Economist (partly owned by the Rothschild family) from 1988, "predicts" a World currency for 2018.
The article inside also mentions the Special Drawing Rights partly backed by gold.

Be prepared, the next move could be a financial crash the world has never seen!
They need something "special" to convince the sheeple.. err... people of the SDRs ;-)


btw: The interview with George Soros is a few years old and anticipates exactly what is happening now!

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