Last Hour Price Changes: STEEM:-0.04 BTC:0.21 ETH:0.41 XRP:0.10 BCH:0.02 LTC:-0.23 EOS:-0.03 ADA:-0.29 XLM:0.42 NEO:-0.01 MIOTA:-0.10

in #money6 years ago

Cryptocurrency Market Dominance

Total market capital:


Total 24 volume:


Active currencies:


Active assets:


Active markets:

Name Market Capital (usd) Volume 24h (usd) Available Supply
Bitcoin 118,147,639,633 3,758,000,000 16,964,925 BTC
Ethereum 38,505,399,143 923,165,000 98,687,763 ETH
Ripple 19,142,710,212 158,619,000 39,094,520,623 XRP
Bitcoin Cash 11,037,076,347 210,870,000 17,061,725 BCH
Litecoin 6,497,950,396 202,933,000 55,988,337 LTC
EOS 4,575,354,764 188,401,000 779,932,115 EOS
Cardano 3,919,939,722 45,068,000 25,927,070,538 ADA
Stellar 3,759,055,829 21,199,000 18,550,962,962 XLM
NEO 3,046,095,000 42,866,100 65,000,000 NEO
IOTA 2,774,124,097 14,587,900 2,779,530,283 MIOTA
Name Price (usd) Change 1h (%) Change 24h (%)
Bitcoin 6,964.23 0.21 1.07
Ethereum 390.17 0.41 1.97
Ripple 0.49 0.10 -0.08
Bitcoin Cash 646.89 0.02 2.39
Litecoin 116.06 -0.23 -1.44
EOS 5.87 -0.03 -0.96
Cardano 0.15 -0.29 1.78
Stellar 0.20 0.42 -0.35
NEO 46.86 -0.01 0.02
IOTA 1.00 -0.10 2.54


Rank: 29
Price: $1.88
Volume(24h): $5,684,400
Market capital: $482,219,586
Available supply: 256,323,898
Total supply: 273,297,992
Percent change (1h): -0.04
Percent change (24h): 4.86
Percent change (7d): 27.51

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JST 0.030
BTC 65970.26
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SBD 2.88