Ten Non-Virtues a Buddhist/Philosophy Topic

in #minnowunite7 years ago (edited)

A real quick coverage of the topic. I want to break it down and discuss it. Do you see any similarities between them and other spiritual texts? Maybe the bible. The ten commandments? Which came first, do you know?


What are they:

Three Non-Virtues Of Body


Four Non-Virtues Of Speech

  1. LYING

Three Non-Virtues Of Mind


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My Understanding, Perspective and Remedies:


There are four parts to this action. By completing the following you will receive the full karmic effect. They are the Basis, the Intention, the Course of Action and the Completion of this Action. So as far as karma is concerned, you do not actually have to kill something to gain some karmic negative. Just the thought alone is negative and thus results in karma. Maybe you ponder this but do not go through with it. You aren't a murderer but there are still consequence.

Remedy: Renouncing of killing of all sentient beings; protect the lives of sentient beings


This too has four parts; They are the Basis, the Intention, the Course of Action and the Completion of this Action. Yes just considering stealing something will cause karma. Just having the thought can lead to these actions later on. A monk or nun following the Vinaya must actually complete this in order to defeat the vow.

Remedy: Renouncing stealing and taking what is not given and by practicing generosity


The third non-virtue of body is that of sexual misconduct. This can easily be by both male or female. There are four categories that it can fall into; inappropriate person, inappropriate organ, inappropriate place or at an inappropriate time. I could go into more detail about these but I think we can assume based on their names their meanings. Though the original meanings based on scripture may need to be slightly adjusted or adapt for present day.

Remedy: By avoiding any sexual misconduct and by practice discipline


This has two parts in involved in how much karma results. Those are that of Discrimination and Motivation.

Remedy: By telling the truth


A complete determination is required to receive full karma effect. The idea that one attempts to create tension between others. Whether what is said is true or false makes no difference.

Remedy: Give up ego within speech and reconcile disputes


Harsh speech is when one tries to harm another or others with their words. Again this can be completed whether the words are true or not, makes no difference.

Remedy: Avoiding harsh words and by speak pleasantly


Idle gossip refers to talk in which has no real purpose, and is non constructive. Even reciting mantras to fulfill parts of the teachings can be considered baseless gossip.

Remedy: Put an end to useless gossip and recite prayers instead


This is just the greed that we as people have. It is the wanting to have what someone else has. Whether animate or inanimate.

Remedy: Be thankful for what we have and what others are lucky enough to have


This is the motivation or intention to hard another that you are unhappy with. When our minds become so engulfed in these thoughts of the mind we are overcome and may harm another sentient being.

Remedy: Practice helping instead of hating


Wrong view is really delusional thinking. This is key in many aspect of Buddhism and one that grasped me a lot when I was younger. Is pain real? Or is it in the mind? There are two aspect or versions of this. The first is that of superimposing or fabricating something to believe it is more or less what is actually is. The second is believing that something exists, while in reality it doesn't.

Remedy: Use analytical meditation and mindfulness to be aware of the true nature of things

Removing these negative in our lives and striving to improve in the remedies results in good Karma and in Buddhist teachings, a higher rebirth. I hope you enjoyed my simple explanation of this. Hopefully you will learn something.

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Very informative article my dear friend @nicnas. All in my religion and there is another one Listening to bad words, it can be songs or listening to slanderer. Also wrong looking includes looking at the body of the opposite sex with having sexuality in mind :)) These are all inside us and we have to choose if we have to command them or live under their commmand!!

Spoken very true. So it is similar in Sikhism then? But then again most of it is just common sense i guess.

It is common sense but to adopt it is equally hard!

Very hard and to actually adopt every aspect to the full extent of the meaning in buddhism is impossible. Or at least nearly impossible

For example Karma in buddhism, it is nearly impossible to accomplish fully. B/c just the wanting to have a positive rebirth is going against the idea

Nearly impossible!

thanks for all your good work!
sending positive thoughts and energy your way!

Thank you a lot for the resteem too!

I can feel the positive energy coming my way. Hopefully it is received from this post as well. I appreciate your thoughts and energy, Namaste always my friend.

Great insights on the non-Virtues @nicas. There seems to be so many parallels to draw to the teachings of other religions. And yes they seem to be common sense if one meditates upon them, which many learned masters must have done in order to come to the same conclusions (i guess)
EDIT: Followed and upvoted :)

Yes, there are so many similarities between different practices. Not only that but based on trials of many teachers they have come to the same conclusion. It must be correct then no? But ultimately one must try for them selves. We all have our own way of doing things but must all give other beliefs a try. For example as stated above monks/nuns must steal in order to see a different aspect. How can you condone something you dont fully grasp.

Thank you for reading my post and giving your insight into this. You are thus a master in your own right. I appreciate the follow and upvote very much so as well.


good Thoughts!!!nice post:)

thank you

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