Why People Ignore You ???

in #mgsc6 years ago

Dear Steemians!

So today I have a pressing question…


Why People Ignore You ???

I feel like this is a multi-layered problem with a multi-layered answer, While some people attract other like glue, others are totally ignored. But people are social creatures. Even if you consider yourself as a loner, you still need to communicate every day with a fairly large number of people. But sometimes people just don’t like each other, often without reason.
However, the situation may be different. It is possible that there are good reasons why people avoid you in a wide berth. These are some of the most common

You’re Too Quiet and Expressionless


People who are very shy and hardly speak at all are actually quite unapproachable. Your colleagues may figure “why bother?” when it comes to trying to engage you because you’re too standoffish.

You’re Not Confident and They Know It


Do you put yourself down ? This is typical attention-seeking behavior and most sharp witted individuals can see right through it.

Your Presence Is Unremarkable


People naturally focus on other people who catch their attention, people who are charismatic and confident, who speak clearly and self-assuredly. Wallflowers get ignored; those whose body language is insecure and whose voice is feeble might as well be invisible.

You’re Surrounding Yourself with the Wrong People


Say you’ve done everything right. You were friendly and talkative, but to no avail. Then the best answer to “why do people ignore me?” would be as simple as you just haven’t found the right people yet. And that’s okay.

You are selfish


It isn’t any fun to be with someone who only cares about themselves. If you only want to do what you want to do and aren’t interested in ever closing your mouth and listening and you just talk away, then there is a good reason why people ignore you.
Being selfish is not a good quality to maintain a friendship. Instead of always thinking of you, when people ignore you, it might be time to take a look at who you always put first. If it is you, then take a back seat for a while.

You are too intense

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It is okay to have an opinion and to be passionate about things. In fact, it is human nature. But, if you are too intense and domineering, then you aren’t much fun to be around. If ranting and raving is your “thing,” then people limit what they say to you or they get an ear full that they are tired of listening to.
It is okay to have a political view or believe in global warming. If people ignore you, then you might want to step off your soap box and just let it go. Save the intensity for the time and place that it is warranted, not every day, all day

You are too needy


It is uncomfortable to be around someone who always searches for approval or who can’t stand on their own two feet. If you constantly reach out and want more from the people around you, it can become exhausting.
Needy people start to feel like a noose around your neck. No one likes to be choked to death. If the reason people ignore you is because you are way too clingy, then try to back off and give people space. If they continually say they are busy, then give them some room and next time let them come to you.

You worry too much about being liked


Sometimes when people ignore you it is because you try way too hard to be liked. When someone is trying too hard to get people to like them they are uncomfortable to be around, specifically because they are uncomfortable in their own skin.
Constantly fumbling over themselves to help, never having an opinion that can’t be changed, or always following instead of leading, can be the thing that pushes people away. Ironically, when people ignore you, it might be because you want too much for them to like you

People don’t know you need them


Some people have an exterior that they show to the world that is very different from their interior feelings. You might be displaying to those around you that you don’t need anyone or their help.
Perhaps when you feel like people are ignoring you, they really just don’t know that you want or need them around. Take a good look at the messages you send, and see if they coincide with how you feel on the inside or in direct opposition to.

It isn’t you, it is them

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Sometimes when we get anxious that people ignore us we put the onus on ourselves like we have done something wrong. There are times when you try to get the attention of someone, and they just aren’t interested in having a relationship. Not everyone is going to like you.
If you have a couple of people in your life who you feel ignore you, then cut them loose and focus on those people who make you feel fulfilled and cared for. All too often we waste energy on the things that we don’t have instead of relishing in the things we do.

Sometimes when people ignore you, you see it as something that you are doing wrong to deserve their ignorance. The thing is that you can’t control anyone else’s behavior but your own.
What’s your opinion about it let me know by commenting Below .


Rahul khairnar


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Thank you in advance!

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