
Well you gotta figure... Heavy Metal wasn't called that initially. Music was just getting louder, embracing fuzz pedals and later distortion pedals, adding more and more drums, and as it became heavier Heavy Metal essentially was born from a fusion of what a lot of different people were doing.

The label is negatively viewed by some, which is too bad as it is just a label. They'll say "I'm not a metal musician", "I'm Hard Rock", or something like that. It is a very fine (usually blurred an non-existent) between Hard Rock and what would become Heavy Metal.

It has of course gotten much more extreme and evolved to many different places over time. That is what I hope to explore in this series.

You're doing a fine job and Sam Dunn is a good resource...He got his PhD in metal. I loved his movie Metal Around the World. That's where I heard Melechesh, who I think is excellent. If you want any input let me know...always glad to help.

Yep that documentary is called Global Metal and was indeed good.

Blue Cheer was from California..... definitely going to check out Santa Barbara Machine Head though. :)

Do you have a recommended Pink Floyd song you think is pre-1980s that would fit well with this post. I've heard a lot of Pink Floyd and I had friends who loved them. My parents also played them some, but I never really got into them. I wouldn't mind including them in the series, but I don't know what Song might fit.

Interstellar Overdrive From Pipers At The Gates Of Dawn (their first...1964, I think) or anything from A Saucer Full Of Secrets (1968) Both had Syd Barrett...he left after the second album.

Edited... added Pink Floyd, Santa Barbara Machine Head, and another Australian Act (The Master's Apprentices).

Also, if you want to trace the roots of metal, you might check bands like the MC 5...Aorta...Listening (if you can find any of their stuff, they only had 1 album) Also, you might look into what they called "experimental music"- it was pretty non-traditional...bands like the West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band. I'll dig through my head a little tonite and see what I can remember...I have a good memory, it's just like the rest of me- old and slow.

Yeah MC5 is U.S. They were in yesterdays post. :)

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