How to Cope With Family Members Who Have OCD

in #mentalhealth7 years ago

 The first step to handling OCD is understanding it. As a family member, it can help if you know how to spot the signs of OCD and make them less frightening and confusing when they arise. Learning about the condition also signals that you care about your family member's problem and want to be a part of finding a solution. This can be extremely important to someone with OCD, as isolation and anxiety are significant factors in contributing to an OCD episode. If your loved one knows that you understand the condition, he will feel less anxiety about the attacks and also realize that he is not alone. Both of these things can help him gain greater control over his condition. The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation has detailed information on the condition and can help you find experts in your local area.

Encourage a Calm and Supportive Atmosphere

OCD is often exacerbated by stress and anxiety, which can trigger ritualized behavior far more readily. Anger or ridicule may further isolate your family member, which forces her to dwell on the object of her obsessions and further complicate the problem. Show patience as the family member copes, and don't become angry when she engages in ritualized behavior. The more supportive you can be, the more quickly your loved one will be able to treat the symptoms of OCD.

Give Him Space Without Letting Him Become Too Isolated

While it is important for your loved one to continue to socialize and interact with others, he also needs to know that you trust him to take care of himself. He may need periods alone to cope with his compulsive behavior or simply to feel that you aren't coddling or smother him. If you pay excessive attention to him, it may worsen his condition and exacerbate compulsive rituals.

Praise Positive Changes in His Behavior

A small shift in your OCD friend or family member's behavior--like double-checking a locked door eight times instead of 10--may not appear to be much to you, but it can represent a huge leap forward in his progress. If you recognize it and express admiration of his effort, it can help cement the gains he makes.


Avoid Participation in His Rituals

While you should always be patient and understanding with your family member, that should not extend to enabling her behavior. Calmly but firmly rebuke any efforts to get you involved in her rituals, and explain that doing so will only make the condition worse. 

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