Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - August 6, 2017

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin Price Reached An All-Time High Again At $3,290

According to the Bitcoin charts at CoinMarketCap, Bitcoin reached $3,290.01 on August 05, 2017 at 17:49 UTC.

The price started to move up that day at 3:04 UTC from $2975.25 and passed $3218.16 for the first time at 9:34 UTC .

It went down below $3200 after a few hours but eventually went up back again and event reached all-time high as of today at $3290.

Remember that Bitcoin's price just previously reached an all-time high at the price of $3000 in June this year.

Also, the price surge pushed Bitcoin's market capital to reach $50 Billion mark. As of today, Bitcoin's market capital according to CoinMarketCap is at $52.77 billion.

Bitcoin Cash Fell To Fourth Place in Market Capital

As Bitcoin's Price surged in saturday, Bitcoin cash's price continued to drop since thursday, August 03, 2017.

Its market capital reached $11 billion mark on August 02, which have brought it to the #3 spot CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations.

In August 04, Bitcoin cash went down to the #4 spot and brought back Ripple to #3.

As BTC started to surge in August 05, BCH's price and market capital continued to fall as lack of support for BCH deposits issue continues.

Currently, there are a number of difficulties that Bitcoin cash is facing and that includes accessibility. Since not all exchanges support the newly created coin, investors have a hard time investing on it.

Also, there are withdrawal security issues that are happening sith BCH which prevents users from supporting the coin.

Hash power is also now a problem which slows down confirmation times, however this will be solved in the long run.

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - August 5, 2017

WannaCry Kill Switch creator got arrested due to alleged involvement to Kronos malware
Philippines and Hon Kong partnered in a fintech startup to serve the unbanked market

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - August 4, 2017

Coinbase and GDAX are planning support for Bitcoin Cash in 2018
Bill Tai joins Power Ledger

Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - August 3, 2017

Bitcoin Cash to the Moon!
Binance - a new Crypto market offering zero trading fees


Thanks for the info @cryptowarrior88 , is the right time to invest in BTC or wait to low it down?

Hello Joshvel,

I currently think that we are in a hyperinflationary period for Bitcoin right now and the best time to buy it was when it was 2400-2500 up to 2700 which was just last week. After the Bitcoin Cash fork, the bitcoin and bitcoin cash markets are getting crazier, the former on hyperinflation and the latter just simply a house of cards.

An advice I can give you is to buy bitcoin and wait it out as we are currently in the uptrend. Expect a plummet down back to 3k or lower levels because of BTC rising too fast upwards but expect that 2800-3000 range as the new support line.

Another better advice is buy BTC in order to invest in Altcoins. We have a good list on our forums altmasters.club. As evident for so many times already, a spike in BTC brings up all altcoin values however there is a 3-5 day delay before these happen so now is perfect timing.

I am @johnrobo88 on Telegram just add me if you need anything. :)
You can also email me at [email protected].

Thank you very much for the advice, sorry for the late reply...I'll "stick"( To become or remain attached or in close association) with you @cryptowarrior88

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