Happy Australia Day. Some of my favourite places in Australia. Original photography.

in #magicalmoments7 years ago (edited)

I love
A sunburnt country.
A land of sweeping plains.
Of ragged mountain ranges.
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons. I love her jewel-sea.
Her beauty and her terror. The wide brown land for me.

~Dorothea Mackellar.

Dorothea Mackellar's My Country.

Dorothea Mackellar’s poem My Country was the first poem I remember learning as a child. It was first published in 1908 as Core of My Heart.

Dorothea Mackellar’s iconic verse is now regarded by many Australians as the universal statement of our nation’s connection to the land. ~State Library of New South Wales.

Dorothy's poem graphicly describes the vast terrains of this continent and as I read it again now, I realize there are still so many iconic spaces in Australia that I long to visit: And photograph.

I've sailed past the Daintree Rainforests through uncharted waters of Queensland's Great Barrier Reef and climbed the Gloucester tree into the canopy of the Karri forest of Western Australia. But without a camera.

But I've yet to visit the 'Top End's Kimberley Ranges and Bungle Bungles and the Northern Territory's Uluru and Kakadu.

I loved the crystal mountains of Adeleide and spent many a teenage summer at Anglesea and Lorne on Victoria's Great Ocean Road. Again without a camera.

But I've yet to trek Tasmania's Cradle Mountains and South Australia's Flinder's Ranges and Kangaroo Island.

I lived in Mildura, the heart of Mallee country for a year and loved being by the Murray River and visiting the red cliffs and sea lakes further out in the 'scrub.' Once again without a camera.

And the calling that has been with me for many years to return to this area and visit the desert areas of Lake Mungo grows ever stonger by the day.

Fortunately for me the 'ordinary' bushland around Sydney has much to offer as well and is very accessable. And so on this Australia Day, I'd mainly like to share some of my favourite places around Sydney and New South Wales where I've tried to capture some of the Spirit of this Great Land Down Under.

But first. What could be more Aussie than a fallen tree in the bushland, inscribbed with the word Billabong.

This tree lies within one of the many natural parklands along The Artists’ Trail in the Blackburn and Box hill area of Melbourne. This is the landscape that inspired the early Australian Impressionist Artists.

Frederick McCubbin’s Lost and A Bush Burial as well as Bush Idyll were painted in this area.

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The Artist's Trail as it continues through the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary.

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And now in Willoughby, a northern suburb of Sydney: Walking along the North Arm walking track.

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A beautiful place to sit and feel the energy of the Xanthorrhoeas.

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In the dappled shade of red gums overlooking Middle Harbour on a hot summers morning.

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She Oaks and billabongs along the Casuarina Track in Garigal National Park, Forestville, NSW.

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Silver birches and wild grasses along the Casuarina Track in Garigal National Park, Forestville, NSW.

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Walking into the Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden.

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Scribbly Gums and Grevillias, Banksias and an old barbecue site.

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Silver trees: The remnants of fires on the Mount Buffalo Mountainside.

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A maturing Old Man Banksia.

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Banksias in their prime on the Roseville Golf Course.

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Early in the morning Cookatoos create havoc on the pristine greens of the Roseville Golf Course.

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Paddling out to sea at Boomerang Beach.

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Sea Gulls at Long Reef, Northern Beaches of Sydney.

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Starfish at Boomerang Beach, 400 kms north of Sydney.

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Moss covered rocks on the banks of Carroll Creek in Forestville, NSW.

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Fallen logs and muddy reflections of Carroll Creek in Forestville, NSW.

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Grevilleas at Boomerang Beach.

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Australian Native Violets at Terrey Hills, Rural Sydney.

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Australian Native Rock Orchids in my garden.

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And a place to sit in my own backyard.

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Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 Mark II.
Processing: Lightroom.
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OMmmmmmmmmmm <333333 soooooo goooood! Happy Australia Day SiStar :) Thank you for sharing the beauty of your part of our shared world with me. I am totally diggin it! Loveeeeeee the silver trees ;) and that petrifying wood is to be admired as well. Mega Love!

Bright Blessings

Magical blessings from the ocean and sky, earth and all living creatures of Oz to you April.

Australia Day as we have always known it, is actually charged with conflicting feelings.

On one hand, it fosters pride in one's heritage ~ If one is of white angle saxon heritage.

But for the original custodians of this continent Australia Day is now being called Invasion Day because it marks the anniversary of the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip.

On Australia Day I always think of Burnam Burnam who in 1988, raised the Indigenous Peoples' Flag on the White Cliffs of Dover and claimed possession of England with the most amazing speech.

Including it now, as I think you'll like it: THE BURNUM BURNUM DECLARATION. ENGLAND, 26th JANUARY, 1988.


I thank you so very much for sharing your photos. They are absolutely stunning!

I don't have the ability to travel so this is a way that I can see other places. Thanks again.

Such a pleasure to share these images with you Carey.

Hopefully they have given you quite a different impression of Sydney and her surroundings than the one travel agencies and magazines give ~ Generally the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.

It's the same for me too. I love seeing photographs of Europe and the US ~ Especially in winter. Steemit is a wonderful platform for fostering our greater appreciation of Planet Earth. 🦋


I actually have only seen your photos of Sydney. So I guess I get to see it through your photos. How wonderful.

Yes Steemit is a great platform to use. I am finding so many caring people, it is wonderful to share with.

Thank you for sharing with us. Smiles

Pleasure Carey.

I usually visit the local bushland in the early morning, before returning to my studio for the rest of the day. But this year I'd like to go further afield, more often and for longer.

In the meantime I'll keep sharing images of some of the local places I love. 🦋

I will watch for your posts. Thanks againg

Pleasure Carey. 🦋

I never was in Austrialia, it is sure one of the most beautiful places on earth!!! One day I want to see all this!!!! :-D

I hope one day you will be able to see some of these beautiful places ~ And more Caroline. 🦋


That looks like a great place to hike. Really like the starfish photo. The cookatoos better not upset the golfers... That could end badly!

Nice post and photos!

There are so many places to hike around the Sydney area @fotosdenada.

So far I've only shared a handfull of them. But this year I intend to venture out from my studio more often to photograph the 'hidden beauty' that's here.

I've never seen so many starfish as I did that day at Boomerang Beach. There's a beautiful red one at: A Magical Moment that you might like to see.

The cookatoos, like me, disappear at the first sight of a golfer, but we come back again in the evening sometimes. 😊


one day I hope to visit there...it is so beautiful. Your photos are wonderful. They show the adventure around you.

There are so many magical places, with their own allure. It's so easy to find remote areas, close to the cities. Even in the city, some of the Botanical Gardens are bordered with bushland and the harbour. I really hope that one day you'll experience it for yourself Rebecca ~ Away from the usual attractions.

I'm feeling the spark of an idea: I know you'll understand if I put it this way.

I'm so grateful to be a 'Travel Photographer' ~ Going to all my favourite places in and around Sydney as well as sacred spaces all around Oz.

I'm so grateful to be able to fully experience this amazing country and photograph her 'hidden beauty.'

And I'm so grateful that through my photography others can appreciate the beauty of wilderness in all her manifestations.

And I'm so grateful for your comment now and all the things you share here at Steemit. 🦋🙏🦋


Wow... This is awesome again. Especially the "Sea Gulls at Long Reef, Northern Beaches". All of these photos representing the beautiful plus peaceful life at God's own country.

And Happy Australia Day to you @allyinspirit.
Between, Add Watermark in all the photos.

My Favorite:
Sea Gulls at Long Reef, Northern Beaches - Australia - Photography by @allyinspirit

What a fabulous post @allyinspirit Happy Australia Day to you too. Warm greetings from Brisbane......or more correctly, Scarborough on the beautiful Redcliffe Peninsula. You have clearly spent a lot of time and given careful consideration to how you were going to represent this wonderful country of ours. You have done sterling job and I sincerely hope you get to travel to all those places you have your heart set on.

I visited your blog @allyinspirit. It's beautiful and fascinating.
I know very little about Australia. It's hard for me to express my thoughts. I will try.
Beautiful nature, interesting landscapes. Wood, stone, wall, bird, beautiful color. Photos are beautiful.
Thank you for taking us for a walk and visiting interesting places in Australia.

Thanks so very much @zoricatech.

It's wonderful for me now to feel that you felt these aspects of the Australian bushland when you came on this walk with me.

I hope to take you to many other different places as well. Mainly around Sydney but also further afield whenever I can. 🦋


Beautiful photos which make me want to return to Aus, sooner rather than later. I've only been in the vicinity of Melbourne and Sydney although we did hike in the Cradle Mountains. We actually spent more time in Tasmania on our trip than we did in Australia. And I'd really like to go back there too.

It's mostly a question of time and we'll probably have to wait for retirement to make a return trip.

Looking forward to seeing more of your pics.

What beauty!

I took this wonderful post, full of gorgeous photos from your great country, to my wall. I did it with the silent hope to once have the opportunity to visit it myself!

I wish a wonderful day to you and your loved ones, Alison!

I hope you do too @pipurilla There are some awesome camping spots all around Australia. I should warn you though, you may not want to leave.

I believe that Trudee! :)

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