A pair of very beautiful little insects. | Photography of macro lens #165.

in #macro6 years ago (edited)

Hello photography lovers friend from macro lens ... !!!
On this occasion I just wanted to share some pictures about a pair of small insects that have a very beautiful bright color. Hope you guys like it.

A pair of these tiny insects I found standing on pumpkin tops, I do not know about the name of this tiny insect, but I just had the opportunity to take some pictures using a smartphone camera and add a macro lens from close range.

Camera Smartphone Xiaomi redmi note 4x + macro lens.

That's all I can share on this occasion. Hopefully you can enjoy and always happy wherever you are.

Thank you for visiting and please follow me to see more posts in the future.

Follow me @rizasukma.


Halo sahabat pecinta fotografi dari lensa makro... !!!
Pada kesempatan kali ini saya hanya ingin membagikan beberapa gambar tentang sepasang serangga kecil yang memiliki warna terang yang sangat indah. Semoga kalian menyukainya.

Sepasang serangga kecil ini saya temukan sedang berdiri di atas pucuk tanaman labu, saya tidak tahu tentang nama serangga kecil ini, namun saya hanya memiliki kesempatan untuk mengambil beberapa gambarnya menggunakan kamera smartphone dan menambahkan lensa makro dari jarak dekat.

Kamera smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4x + lensa makro.

Hanya itu saja yang dapat saya bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga kalian dapat menikmati dan selalu bahagia walau dimanapun berada.

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya dan silahkan mengikuti saya untuk melihat lebih banyak lagi postingan dimasa yang akan datang.

Ikuti saya @rizasukma.


hi rizasukma,
Nice clicks....these pics show your love for photography. They are fantastic indeed.
Also....out of context...like your article, i have seen so many...first the article is in english then in other language..may be native language.
Do you write it altogether or just translate it using some tool? Just curious...

Saking detailnya, bulunya nampak kayak duri bg...

Good post @rizasukma, i like it.

Binatang apakah itu??

Wow, awesome little creatures. I guess they are part of the ant family... but certainly not native to Africa

Thank you very much for your support @themagus. Yeah, it looks like they're from an ant group, but I can not confirm it yet. 😊

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