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RE: Greek citizens broke the closed toll gates by the goverment so everybody could demonstrate in Macedonia.

in #macedonia7 years ago

οι μπάσταρδοι θα πληρώσουν όχι μόνο τις δικές τους αμαρτίες αλλά και των προηγούμενων. ακόμα δεν το έχουν καταλάβει βέβαια. θα έχει πολύ πλάκα, ο καιρός γαρ εγγύς :D


I was last in Athens in 2004. A friend took me with when he went to visit someone and I was upset and impressed by what I was told.

He was very angry about schools not teaching Ancient Greek; as he said, it forms part of most languages and is something we should be proud of, plus he insisted that to understand modern Greek, we must have studied ancient Greek.

I was not as upset as him, but what he next told me did upset me. He said that they are changing the history lessons, with the excuse that Turkey is now going to be part of Europe and we must get rid of all parts of our history that provokes/engenders feeling of hate.

They've been working on their plans for a long time, as they had to change the way Greeks think in small steps, so that nobody fights back. It is what is happening to all of Europe and it is amazing that many cannot see what is done to their own people and country, but they can recognise the tactics when applied to other countries.

I have never hated the Turkish people or people of any nation, but I do hate Turkey, because Turkey is not the people of Turkey, it is the government and all their officials. Just as I hate Merkel, but not all the Germans.

The only people who in large numbers I hate, are the islamists. I keep alive in my heart a flame that demands all of them be sent back to their own countries, where they can destroy themselves without affecting the innocents of other countries. I do not care if a particular islamist has his family, works hard and so on. They are not trying to conquer us with swords - as it has been called, this is the Battle of the Womb. If you do wwant to keep some, then make damn certain you first sterilise them.

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