
Wow @lukinsawyer you are truly something else. After I saw this vid I feel like I've just been existing kinda. Like yeah I do things to help the world but not to the level like I know I can. I think it just takes guts to go out and just freekin do it! I think the "story" that I have told myself for so long is that I can't travel like that because it wouldn't be smart for a young female to travel alone. Then I would tell myself, well I am just gonna wait till my friends are ready to travel but that could take centuries. So I guess one of my life lessons I still need to learn is "just fuckin go for it!" Who gives a crap if society believes that females shouldn't travel solo you know? Shoot a few years ago I lived in my car for a few months and it wasn't fun but I did it as a female lol. I like the feeling of not being scared to just go for things instead of holding back and waiting for the right moment. Because what if that right moment never comes? The right moment really is now regardless of what gender we are lol. You really have gotten my mind to start re-examining my decisions and analyzing where I need to step outside of the box more. I think what you said is like the best quote, "I want to live, and not just exist." That should be a motto. It probably is already lol. I used to go night hiking and that really got me to become fearless but I feel as if we can become comfortable and inside the comfort zone again if we don't keep making daily choices that will allow us to live outside of our comfort zone. Thank you for being my biggest inspiration in life at the moment. I tip my "invisible" hat off to you 😊 Thank you for the tattoo compliment as well!! :D

Wow, awesome response. I think you should travel! Alone or not. Keep a little bit of the fear with you at all times, because fear is powerful, but also know when to disregard it! I basically just stalked your page and just watched your sober dmt vlog.. girl, you aren't just existing, you are definitely experiencing. People who are just living can't open their minds up to the power within like that!
I was, and still am getting myself to fully step outside that box.. I'd say I'm about 3/4 out peaking through haha.😂
And like you said, there is never that right moment, you have to just let go, and do, and be. Life is more complex than the average life lived, it's being taken for granted. The world wasn't built for you to just wonder about. It's yours, go out and grab it:)

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